#just let them be a family trio with foggy
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thevvitchbitch · 9 days ago
going into DDBA like:
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 months ago
The cage was cramped with three angry dragons backed up against each other, hissing at all sides as their flanks were pressed together in a tight circle. No matter what, not a one of them would dare move, no matter who walked by or what sounds that echoed around their bizarre floating wooden prison startled them. The dragons were not the concern.
After all, they had teeth, fangs, and fire...their sister did not. She was nothing more than a walking spindly skeleton covered in exposed flesh swaddled in bundles of shed dragon skin collected from her own family. She didn't have the means to defend herself that her brothers did, though she certainly would try.
The white dragon tinged with the blues of the sea was the most outwardly hostile and antagonistic, hissing and spitting at the slightest movement and sound that neared them, green eyes blazing from the darkness, while his silver and gold brothers each continued to be cautious.
They could survive these small armoured creatures that had the same proficiency to build tools that their sister did. They were mighty dragons, after all. The scourges of the sky and of the daylight. She...their sister was only their dearest little runt.
The trio of brothers would sooner die than allow these trappers to separate them from her. If they dared try, they would lose more than just spears.
However, despite the clear difference in size and threat between herself and her brothers, the scrawny women wrapped in pale skin still growled and hissed as gutturally as her comparatively weak vocal chords could allow. Though, the years had given her the remarkable ability to accurately mimic the communication style of her family and even other dragon species despite her limitations.
But she wouldn't allow her brothers to think she wouldn't fight to protect them as fiercely as they would to protect her. They were her brothers...she wouldn't let these people - Vikings, as she vaguely recalled the word from her very young and foggy childhood - hurt her brothers.
Their mother would never forgive her if she let that happen.
(Hi! Been lurking for a little while, hope this is okay as an introduction!)
This was different than their past raids.
Hiccup, from the scout reports, there weren't many dragons on the ship, but the species they held was rare.
Now Hiccup would have worked to free them either way, but he knew the stakes were high with how rare these particular dragons were.
Flying in low, the other dragon riders trailed behind him. His mother and Eret had joined for this particular mission as well.
Hiccup leapt off of Toothless, Astrid doing the same, and they used their flight suits to glide down to the deck, landing without making any noise.
They crept forward, knocking any hunters unconscious that they came across, as the other riders landed with their dragons, Hiccup found himself standing in front of a large cage.
Lifting his mask, his eyes widened in awe at the three dragons before him. But, their stance was rather unusual.
It almost looked like...were they protecting another? Hiccup couldn't tell through the dark.
That wasn't the only thing that shocked him, though. "You... you look like Night Furies, except...brighter..."
He couldn't believe what he was seeing!
But, these dragons needed to be freed first.
As the other riders worked to distract and stop the remaining hunters, Hiccup approached the cage carefully, hand held out towards the dragons.
He spoke softly, in a calm manner. "Hey, hey! It's okay, it's okay...I'm going to break you out, okay? I just need to..."
Approaching the cage lock, he realized it wasn't a pickable lock...but, it didn't appear to be Gronckle iron.
"Toothless! Plasma blast!"
The dragon appeared in the darkness behind Hiccup, blasting the lock, destroying it.
It didn't look like the dragons had any muzzles on, which was good.
Hiccup stepped back, swinging the door open. Seeing how aggressive these dragons were, he wanted to give them space.
"Go on. Hurry, before they can track you!"
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howlsofbloodhounds · 8 months ago
I see an ask and became curious too, how is YOUR 🫵 opinion about the murder time trio? For a long time I thought they were just a fandom delusion, and only recently did I realize that there is a LOT about them (even though none of them have any canon relationship). I know your focus is on Killer, but I think it's interesting to know what you think of these two additions the fandom gives him (additions being Dust/Murder and Horror)
This one’s gonna be kinda short ‘cause I really agree with @signanothername’s interpretation of the trio quite a lot.
I do think Murder will always be a flight risk and Killer is pretty much placed on babysitting/warden duty. I doubt Killer truly gives a single flying fuck about their histories or pasts, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use the information he knows against them whenever he wants to be a bitch. Or even if he just wants to figure out what would happen.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Killer had a loathsome tendency to fuck around with them both, like they’re interesting lab rats. Killer’s SOULs in jars, except they still get to keep their SOULs.
I’m sure Killer will occasionally divulge information and tips about Nightmare, the castle, whatever he’s learned. Simply because he likes controlling the flow of information, and he likes being able to have some control over others’.
He might take up a “teacher” role at some point just for the hell of it, assuming he doesn’t quickly lose interest in Dust and Horror and fucks off somewhere on his own again. I doubt he’d really care to listen to or follow either Dust or Horror on the field unless Nightmare enforces it or it’d be more beneficial to do so.
I’m sure Dust and Horror would keep their distance from him, simply because Nightmare always seems to have an eye on Killer and they don’t want to be involved in that. Killer would notice, but wouldn’t care all that much. The other two likely view him as Nightmare’s toy or pet, so they keep away.
I’m sure Dust would have a problem with how Killer doesn’t care or even attempt to escape. (Assuming this is something Dust or Horror even know. Maybe Killer keeps that a little secret, instead just allowing/wanting everyone to think he chose to join Nightmare. Let people think he has more control than he does.)
Dust and Killer might occasionally talk shit about the human together and Killer might make an idle comment on how he sees Papyrus too, but I doubt it’d really go anywhere.
Killer doesn’t like talking about his past or being reminded of it, and he doesn’t even consider himself Sans anymore—he’s unlikely to connect to the concept of Papyrus, a brother, friends, or family the way Dust and Horror do and can.
He probably knows, logically, he once was Sans—and so therefore he likely had a brother, a Papyrus. But he also doesn’t..connect to those fragmented memories, so long ago and so alien to him he struggles to tell if they’re real or not.
In Killer’s eyes, not killing somebody is probably a sign of tolerance. Friendship is..something more complicated, tainted by foggy memories of Papyrus and his experiences with his closest and longest “friend,” Chara. So at most he probably just considers Dust and Horror coworkers he likes to fuck around with for fun—because considering them friends has implications for Killer.
There’s probably also this sense of unspoken “if you break them, you fix them” thing between Killer and Nightmare. Like, Killer’s allowed to play and mess around with the new additions, but he cannot push them too far that they become useless to Nightmare. And if he does, he has to put them back together.
So I’d imagine that whenever Killer manages to drag Murder back from his escape attempts, he’s also kinda required to play nurse for a bit and get Murder back into working shape. It’s a humiliating and dehumanizing experience for Murder, but Killer does pretty well in the physical sense of caring for someone—not so much on the emotional and mental front though.
Horror and Killer also have their “not eating” issues. Horror because of his famine and 7 year starvation, Killer for undisclosed canon reasons—possibly because of his own food trauma (such as food triggering sudden emotions or memories, like ketchup or spaghetti), perhaps his dissociation and unawareness of his limits, maybe eating doesnt inspire any emotions in him very often, maybe starving himself helps gain a sense of control. Who knows, but it’s something that they have in common.
They’d probably all work together when they have to—they’re all dealing with the same shitty boss—but I doubt their idea of friendship would be typical. These guys probably torment eachother and it’s taken as something almost affectionate even.
But they’ll probably be some invisible, unspoken line between Horror & Murder and Killer. They view Killer as Nightmare’s. Horror will likely be disgusted by both Killer and Murder’s actions, what they did to their brothers—Murder will likely see far too many similarities between Killer and the human to be comfortable with him completely, and meanwhile Killer just isn’t capable of caring.
Meanwhile, Horror and Murder have that “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” thing, but they both ultimately have their own goals.
Murder wants to get back to his AU and would probably ditch Horror in a heartbeat if it means doing so. Horror still has his brother to look after, so I’m sure he’ll rat Murder out if it keeps his Papyrus and AU safe. I’m sure they both understand that about eachother, though.
Sorry if this wasn’t really all that interesting. I’m kinda basically just repeating another’s views on it because I already agree with that interpretation 💀.
On another note, should Killer ever go into Stage 1 while in a Bad Sanses AU, I’m sure he’ll keep his distance from the others; either by staying in his room or leaving the castle frequently. I’m sure it’ll be quite a long time before Killer allows himself to be Stage 1 around the others, and Stage 1 would do his utmost to avoid them, and it’s possible that if they ever did encounter him like that, it’d be an unplanned, unpleasant accident.
( @qin-qin16 ).
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moriartyluver · 9 months ago
"IVE ALWAYS WONDERED if this day would ever come. I'm sure that some of you have already heard of this.." Albert turned his head from the dark window to face the others, attempting to speak over the thunder outside "The situation has become extremely worrisome..this crisis is the first of its kind that the moriarty family has ever had to face."
Lightning had hit a tree outside, burning it to ashes dramatically. Rain poured down in typical British fashion, the windows foggy, covering the gloomy sky. 
"Let's work together in order to build strength." The brunette clenched his fist tightly, brows furrowed with determination as they all huddled together, hands upon hands. "we'll overcome this no matter what the cost..! Is everyone ready? All for one and One for All! Let's go!" 
The door creaked open mysteriously, pulling the attention of the men to the entrance. 
"Sorry we're late..what the hell..?!" Bonde had opened the door with (name) and Josephine stood behind him, bags in hands after they had just returned from a shopping trip 
"What on earth is going on?" (Name) asked, her eyebrow raised in suspicion. 
"Tea party...?" 
"That's right Bonde. As you know," Albert informed the trio who were stood in front of him "families hold tea parties on a rotational basis. Tea parties are often held in the day time, opposed to night parties. I've tried my best to hold it off but the other day, Earl Rockwell finally called me out.."
"It was about time," (Name) commented, sitting down with a sigh, legs folded over each other. "Frankly, I think we've been avoiding them for a while now." 
"I was reluctant, but I agreed to host the party at our manor this weekend." Albert added 
Josephine nodded "If the party is to be held on Sunday, we don't have much time to spare. We should get started on preparations as soon as possible, provided there aren't any obstacles in our way." 
"I have business to attend to on Sunday," (Name) said abruptly. 
"Care to elaborate?" Louis asked 
"I..erm.." she hesitated, looking for an excuse to not go to the tea party "I have a research project due in a few weeks for the university." 
"No you don't," William said, debunking her excuse. "I recall you saying you wished to spend Sunday reading-" 
There was a moments silence, all eyes on (Name) who suddenly found her shoes rather intriguing. She lifted her head with a groan "Fine, I don't want to host the tea party. Why on earth would I? All I'd do is have disturbing older men explain concepts of various natures which I am clearly more educated in, or worse, they'll flirt with me and treat me like they do a common harlot." 
"If she's not doing it then neither am I!" Moran exclaimed quickly. 
"(Name), you're attending the tea party just like the rest of us," Louis said sternly, turning to Moran. "We all are." 
"I don't want to," she folded her arms over her chest with a childish frown "You can't make me!" 
Albert sighed, glancing at William as if asking for help. He should've known having his brother marry a spoilt noblewoman wouldn't be easy, regardless of how in love with her he may have been. 
William nodded, scoring over to (Name) and leaning in to whisper into her ear as she listened attentively before sighing, speaking up reluctantly. 
"Fine, I'll do it." 
Albert blinked in surprise, curious as to what he said to make (Name) agree so easily. 
"Despite the whole fake marriage ordeal, many ladies still have been attempting to gain access to Will using various excuses." Albert spoke, continuing after the small issue.  "Such women will use the party as an excuse to approach him which means that you..!" He pointed to the (hair colour)-ette dramatically "Will have to keep them off, alright (name)?" 
"Roger that." She said, much more cooperative than before. 
William chuckled. "In that sense, you're also in danger Albert." 
"Of course I know how to deal with the ladies but when they gather in large groups..they gossip and become impossible to read.." all the men in the room shifted their eyes over to (name), who was still despairing over the thought of socialising against her will. 
"Huh...?" She murmured 
"You're the only one of us who'll be able to outsmart the ladies, (nickname), considering both the brat and moneypenny will be acting as maids." Sebastian said to the confused woman "So we'll need you to keep a close eye on them" 
"Shut your mouth," Josephine frowned in annoyance at Moran "I'm far more capable than you are..you'll probably just go drinking whilst the rest of us are working hard.." 
"Surely you wouldn't place such a grand burden upon only me," (name) said, returning to the point "you all know how difficult it is for me to socialise. I can't even read basic social cues half the time." 
"You'll be fine, (Name)." William placed a hand on hers reassuringly "We wouldn't choose you if we didn't think you were able." 
"The only reason you chose me for anything was because I'm handy with a knife." She said, revoking her hand "But if you insist, I suppose I could always try.." 
"Okay..let's go over our responsibilities one last time." Jack said, pulling out a small folded piece of paper from his breast pocket. He unfolded it, reading aloud from the list "As soon as young Al's toast is over, I will attend to the guests at the main venue."
"I mainly manage the party's progress" said Louis with a nod 
"And as head maid, Josephine and I will take charge of the maids to serve you." Moneypenny stated, adjusting her head piece. 
"I'll be in the garden, talking to a few of the guests while keeping a close eye on the more curious ladies." (Name) sighed. She wasn't a fan of tea parties. Ball room parties were usually much more entertaining, possibly because someone would usually somehow die during them but also because she was able to stand aside without any need to talk to anyone. Even at her own wedding, she refused to speak to any guests who weren't her family or close friends because she had gotten so fed up. 
"Our position is in the garden, William." Albert reminded the blond. 
William nodded, "Yes, brother. Let's monitor the situation and help each other in need." 
"I'm mainly here to protect you two." Spoke a butler-ified Moran. 
"I'll be in the rose garden and entertaining the guests there." Fred murmured, fidgeting with his gloves. 
"And I'm in charge of the guests in all areas of the manor." Bond grinned, too enthusiastically for (Name)'s liking. 
"That's right," Jack nodded "Bond is our so called 'Fighter', because a 'battle field' needs personnel who can respond quickly to unexpected situations." 
"Battle field..?" Fred repeated nervously. 
"It won't be that bad," Josephine reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder "Believe me, I've had a lot worse with (Name)..once she got carried away and murdered a man in one of the Marquis (Last Name)'s villas during a party, but in my lady's defence, he had deeply offended her with his remarks." 
"what did he say?" asked Fred in a mousey voice
Josephine chuckled nervously "let's just say, you can't insult the female sex without provoking (Name)."
"By the way," James said, changing the topic promptly "What's Herder doing?" 
"Ah, he's already in position," Moran explained. Herder was stuck in the basement, doing puzzles whilst listening out for guests who might find the weaponry. 
The instructor glaced around "Everyone is ready." He confirmed "It's time..!"
Not even a second later, the street outside the manor's gates were filled with carriages, full of noblewomen, their giggles echoing as they stepped out of their carriages  
(Name) flinched upon hearing all the loud noises coming from the ladies leaving their carriages. She noticed there were a few males amongst them but not nearly enough as the noblewomen. A ratio of about 1:8, she had observed, and all her comrades would be counting on her to navigate this all in the appropriate manner.
"Now that we're all here.." Albert started his little toast once all the fawning ladies had surrounded him whilst the young noblmen who were waiting for the toast to be over so they could instantly made a bee-line to the poor overwhelemed (Name)  "It's thanks to Lord Rockwell that we were all able to welcome you here today. As you can see there are many shy people in our family," he side eyed his sister-in-law, resembling her deceased brother for a moment "even standing up here is making me a bit nervous. Please take this as an opportunity to look at our rose garden. It has been blooming very well." 
Albert picked up a glass of champagne carefully and raised it as he ended his toast
"Last but not least, there are refreshments laid out for everyone to enjoy. Please take as much time as you'd like to talk to us," He lifted his glass higher "Well then..cheers!" 
Within seconds of the toast ending, both William and Albert were surrounded by multiple noblewomen. Of course, (name) hadn't had it any easier and was soon approached by multiple noblemen who were exited to converse with her. During her time in University, multiple peers were interested in her but disliked the idea of getting closer to her in fear that she, a woman with an education, would go against their ideals for such a lady, or rather their stereotypes.
How abhorent! A woman with the ability to think for herself!
She had a mysterious charm to some. Usually she would be seen with a blank look on her face, whilst other times, she concealed her ture nature with a polite yet deceiving smile. Although she was 'married' in the eyes of the law, it wouldn't hurt anyone if they merely converse with such an elegant lady.
"I had looked forward to talking to all of you, but I can't talk to any of you if you all are speaking at once.." Albert said, snapping (Name) out of her thoughts. "and I don't think a tea party is supposed to be like this. I was hoping we'd be more elegant and austere..." He trailed off, gently grabbing a lady, who stood beside him, by her chin, guding her gaze to his emerald eyes.
The noblewomen and noblemen had caught onto what Albert had meant and slowly dispersed, allowing others to take their time. Some had headed for the greenhouse, full of flowers that had been cultivated by none other than Fred, whilst others stuck around with the two brothers, batting their eyes and attempting to gain their attention. 
(Name) could only furrow a brow and sigh as she watched, quickly distracted by a young man whwo haad caught her attention with a question once it had all died down, far more unique than the ususal questions about her life in England, even if she had been living there for 8 years, or older men attempting to make her feel like an idiot. 
"My apologies if I am out of line, but what are your opinions on the recent Jack the Ripper case," a man with dark hair hair asked her. He seemed around her age, maybe a little younger, and had a polite smile which made his eyes crinkle slightly in the corners "You seem so knowledge on all subjects of conversation, not just superficial ones like most men may assume.." 
"Well, I as a sophisticated lady of polite society, could never be exposed to such tragedies, I have no knowledge of such a case," She jested, a smile on her lips "Although, I'd say the Yard are trying to cover it up with their recent list of suspects, surely nobody would believe that.." she said under her breath
"Yes, well," He took a glass of wine from a servant, swirling the drink in his glass, "I have a theory that the entire thing was a hoax to promote that Conan Doyle's next story."
"You read the Sherlock Holmes series?" (Name) laughed at his theory"That's interesting, I've actually made his aquaintance, we met on the Noahtic.. and a train to London, both times a murder had occured. He just seems to be riddled with bad luck, it must be something to do with his hair." 
"Is that why he covers it up with that dreadful cap?" the man asked with an amused tone 
(Name) shrugged her shoulders as she bit into a small cake, "Personally, I think he looks better in darker tones, and that cloak does him no justice whatsoever." She paused, realising she was actually having fun "I don't believe we've been formally introduced, dear stranger. Perhaps you could change that?" 
He took her left hand, kissing her knuckles over the silk glove she wore. "Lord Oliver Hastings, first grandson of the Duke of Hastings it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance, Lady Moriarty."
"I really shouldn't be surprised you already are familiar with my name," She smiled, a genuine smile at that 
"Well why wouldn't I? You are rather famous amongst the ton, after all, although, I first saw your name in a research paper you had published in your Almer Mater, Oxford ring any bells?" Oliver reciprocated the smile 
"I'm surprised anyone would read that, I was half asleep whilst I wrote it. Do you still study there?" She asked, her eyes drifting over to William, who stood in front of a group of ladies 
Oliver shook his head with a laugh "God no, do i really seem that naive? I graduated last year, personally, I was more fond of subjects which frequire critical thought rather than just making up numbers to solve, so I studied Literature and Philosophy mostly, but I made an exception for what you had to say in that little thesis of yours, and I must say, I've been dying to talk to you since." 
"Well consider yourself saved from such a tragic fate." She chuckled, glancing again at William who seemed to be struggling with a flirtatious young, no scrath that, she was definitley considered a spinster, woman. 
"Is something bothering you? You keep looking over there." 
"Oh no, I'm fine. It's my husband I'm worried about." She turned back to face him, her (eye colour) eyes on his blue ones "He's even more socially inept than I am." 
"And that's why you're seen so frequently in polite society?" He asked 
She frowned in faux annoyance "Doesn't mean I enjoy it." He laughed once more in response whilst (Name) sighed looking back at William, the damsel in distress needed saving "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to cut the conversation short...I don't think I'm a fan of bigamy." She half joked  before walking away, seeing the look of relief on William's face as he noticed her presence.
"What's this, darling?" A sweet voice, almost unrecognisable, called out to poor William, still embarrassed after that 'subtle' confession. If he had taken any more steps further back, he would have tripped and broken his skull in half. 
"(N-Name)." William, face somewhat flushed, managed to utter. 
He didn't often stutter, rather his speech was always elegant and sophisticated, the 'confidence' he exuded was never not noticeable in his speech and yet, that voice...that siren like voice had The Lord of Crime trembling and nervous. William could feel his heart speeding up, eventually pounding in his chest even though his wife was a good few feet away from him, but of course even the mere mention of Lady (Name) could make his brain numb with overwhelming thoughts. 
(Name) walked through the other noble ladies, admittedly rather jealous now that she had finally come to terms with these feelings she had. She gave a polite smile, whispering a few 'pardon me's and 'good afternoon's 
"Now that I recall," She said, pushing past the woman who had attempted to make advances on William "We really bonded over one particular consultation, didn't we?" 
"We did indeed.." William said, still flustered. His cheeks grew a deeper shade of red as (name) cling to his arm, her frame pressed against his as her fingers caressed his bicep. 
"I really am lucky to have such an intelligent, and not to mention handsome husband," (Name) complimented, using her palm to cup his chin and bring him to face her. She turned to the other ladies, flashing a glare at the woman who seemed to have made her husband uncomfortable and then returned back to her lovey dovey expression, smile from ear to ear. 
"My apologies ladies but it appears you must seek consultation another time. I have something my dearest William and I need to discuss in private." She said with a wink, dragging a stunned William towards the nearest entrance to the manor.
Once they had entered, climbing upstairs, away from the guests, (name) dropped his hand promptly with a groan. 
"A 'thank you' would be nice." (Name) said as they walked down the quiet halls. "I had to practically fight off all the men, no thanks to you involving me in this boring tea party..although I must say, I expected a lot less gentlemen within our age range, I typically would attract the older, perverted sort, rather than the nice ones we had this afternoon." 
William clenched his jaw, fighting back his jealous feelings "You found them attractive?" He managed to say. 
"Well, there were a few handsome ones, I suppose." She put a finger to her chin, lips pressed together in thought. 
Was she aware of the effect that she had on him? William was always so rational and calm and he hadn't ever felt so envious of anyone, not in his entire life. Of course he could be occasionally jealous when he was but a child, often looking towards those more fortunate and wondering 'why not me?'  
The last time he had felt like this was when (Name)'s first lover wasn't 6 feet underground and torn to pieces, whenever he would see her smiling with the older boy or laughing at some very clearly not amusing joke (he often thought he was much more entertaining than that dull man, his personality was like that of a lemon which had been squeezed dry). Once he had even seen him kiss her, not very skilfully and much too rough for someone like (Name), he would be so much better for her.
It was in between some shelves in the library when he was trying to find a book on probabilities of all things. He had to resist the urge to throw it right in his hideous face, at the very least (or murder him but (Name) beat him to something for once). William actually remembered asking himself what the probability that she would rid herself of that fool and turn her attention to him. 
"Actually there was one particular man, dark hair, rather beautiful, very funny...what was his name again..? Oh yes, Oliver..." She was almost giggling like a teenager, hands clasped behind her back in an innocent manner. The description seemed rather familiar. Was she really attracted to 'amusing' dark haired men? 
God, she was aggravating. 
But so beautiful too, and witty of course. And her eyes were so captivating, so enthralling. William had known this since forever. Nobody knew it more than him.He'd often gaze into her eyes, especially if she was enthusiastic or explaining a mathematical concept to him. 
"Is that so?" He choked out, eyes lingering on her as she brushed her gloved hand against the textured wallpaper. 
She hummed with a nod "I was convinced he fancied me, but of course, you being you, you had women practically throwing themselves at you and I had to come to your rescue." 
"Women do not throw themselves at me." He stated curtly. 
"Oh yes they do, professor." (Name) teased "You aren't exactly an eyesore, are you? A nice physique, a pretty face, and a tolerable personality. You're considered desirable amongst the women of the upper class." 
But was he desirable to her? 
He had to take a deep breath. She was doing this on purpose, she had to be. She must have caught onto his attraction for her and now he was being tormented by a higher power for his desperations. 
"More so than this Oliver?" He blurted out. He had meant to say something completely different, but it was as if his brain was no longer thinking for him, rather his heart was. 
Had Freud been well established in 1879, one may call such a mistake a 'Freudian Slip', but of course, he wasn't. He had to wait till the 1900s for that. For now, though, dear reader, we could call this a "Liam-being-a-desperate-man-whore-slip." 
(Name) had to fight back the smirk on her lips, wrestling with her desire to laugh at him for now feeling the same way he had made her felt, although William wasn't flirting with anyone in an attempt to make (Name) jealous, he was just existing and trying to give advice to women who couldn't help but adore him. 
She leaned against the wall, inches away from her bedroom door. "Is someone jealous?" She asked, voice sickeningly sweet. William could never truly hate her, well he did at one point, but it wasn't hate so much as it was irritation at her antics, yet she was only a child, a mere teenager. He couldn't blame her. But God, the way she smirked up at him made him want to wipe that expression off her face, it was so unlike him. 
"Jealous?" He repeated slowly, processing and analysing his own feelings. He had long known how he felt for (Name), that was certain, but he hadn't expected it to become more than simply admiring from afar..and yet here they were. 
"The mere mention of another man seems to be making your blood boil.." she said smugly, eyes shining in the sunlight "I never knew your affections for me were so grand." 
"It's not that," William spoke, trying to articulate his speech when all he truly wanted was to press his lips against hers, his voice slowly raising as he grew more tense. "It's improper in polite society for a married woman to act flirtatiously with other men." 
"I didn't take you as one for polite society, William." She retorted, fingers ghosting over his shoulder "I thought that was something you aimed to destroy, sweetheart."
"You know what I mean." He said, red eyes piercing through her (eye colour) eyes. "What would everyone think knowing you've had extra marital affairs?" 
"Now this really isn't like you," (Name) laughed, hand slowly drifting down to his arm "I thought none of that bothered you? We don't exactly have any commitments to one another-" 
"It was implied." He cut her off, almost aggressively. How dare she bring up the initial regulations for this contract marriage when she knew the lines were blurred so heavily at the point, ever since they had slept together, no, ever since they had even kissed! His palms rested against the wall, just short of (Name)'s ears while she tried to stand straight, unwilling to allow him the upper hand. "During our past two years of marriage, you haven't expressed any interest in any men, and there is no need to change that now."  
There was a short silence. The only thing (Name) could hear was her own rapid heart beat and the sound of William's soft breathing as he lowered his face away from her gaze. The position she was in was truly unfortunate, but not exactly unwelcome. He had both arms caged around her while she leaned against the wall, her knees feeling slightly weak as they bent slightly, making her feel much smaller than she was. She had retracted her hand from him, holding to wall to keep herself steady as she attempted to anticipate his next move. It was like chess, except with just the king and queen. Actually, maybe it wasn't that similar. 
"And it does bother me," William eventually spoke, voice ragged and breathless "Ceaselessly. I hated seeing you with that womaniser. And when I had finally thought he was gone and you would turn your attention elsewhere, more only followed..but once we had both left university, I had to witness you sneaking off at balls, usually with that Lord Henry and-" 
"So you did know who Theodore was?" She asked, irritated by his confession "And you felt the need to pretend you didn't, as if you weren't spying on me the whole time! God you are insufferable!" 
"Not nearly as insufferable as you are!" He glared down at her. 
"You know that they didn't mean anything to me, I don't see why this is even a point of discussion," (Name) defended herself, leaning her head against the wall "Why should I be held responsible?" 
William unconsciously clenched his teeth, eyebrows furrowed together. "Must I make it any clearer to you? Are you really that foolish, that naive?" 
"Perhaps I am, I'm just a stupid whore to you, aren't I?" She spat, a raised eyebrow as she waited for him to speak. "But I think I know jealousy when I see it." 
"It's not that I'm jealous, it's just that.." he almost stammered before snapping, much to (Name)'s surprise.  "You're mine, (Name). My wife, not Oliver's, not Lord Henry's, and certainly not Theodore Arden's." 
Since when was he so possessive..? And why was it undeniably attractive? 
His words hung heavy in the air, realisations to his rudeness hitting him suddenly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that.." he apologised, pulling away in embarrassment, averting his gaze.  "I shouldn't have.."
(Name)'s fingers looped through his belt, grasping onto his arm as she  pulled him back in for a fiery kiss. He was quick to return the gesture, his hands making theirway to her back and pulling her closer, seeking more of her. 
"You're so irritating.." She murmured against his lips "I despise you with every breath."
He chuckled bitterly at her words, his lips parting and coliding with hers "And you aren't? Nobody has been on my mind more than you..you're a distraction, an obstacle. I can't believe I was foolish enough to marry you." 
"Believe me, it hasn't been easy for me either," (Name) groaned against his lips, pulling his hair. "Can't you do anything right? Kiss me properly...I hadn't waited that long just for you to learn nothing from our previous encounter, or maybe you've forgotten." 
"I promise, (Name), I haven't..I think about it constantly, to the point it haunts my dreams." He moaned as she bit his lip, twisting the doorknob to her bedroom and opening the door with a creek "But if I didn't, I'd trust you to help me recall." 
She cupped his cheeks in her palms, walking into the room with him as he shut the door behind them, allowing them some privacy. "So I'm better than you at something for once, and you have no feelings of hatred? How underwhelming."
"I hate you." He said as he pressed her against her bedroom wall, the wallpaper contrasting beautifully with her skin. "I hate you so passionately I don't know what to do with myself half the time. I wish I could say I regret meeting you but then I wouldn't be here with you.." 
"Mm.." (Name) hummed, her hand making its way to his hair again, her fingers tangling in those blond locks she adored "I hate you more..if you hadn't bribed me to attend this party, we wouldn't be doing this right now." 
"Then thank God I did," he smirked against her lips, breathless from kissing her so long with barely enough room to breathe. His mind was hazy now, and he was just going to exert himself even further, but he didn't mind. Anything for (Name).
"Yo Patterson," Moran called out to the man in glasses "You- this was a difficult win.." 
"I understand..it seems everyone had a hard time today," He pushed up his spectacles with his pinky
"What about everyone else? And the old man?" 
"Albert and the old man already went to their rooms...William and (Name) left early, and I haven't seen them since, but they're around...and moneypenny's gone home." Moran explained
"Really? I brought some alcohol." Patterson smiled, holding up the bottle 
"Sorry," The colonel smirked 
"It seems Bond is already asleep..and I've come all this way..at least you can join me for a drink, Moran."  Patterson said through the snores of Bond, Fred and Josephine who were curled up on the couch together. 
"By the way Moran," He continued, gazing out of the window "I hope you didn't put your hands on any of the ladies during the tea party." 
"I didn't have time for that! None of us did, we were all doing our jobs." He protested, already starting to get tipsy. 
"Hm? I thought you said William and (Name).." the detective paused, shrugging his shoulders "I see you've finely seen the joy of hard work." 
"You don't think they..?" 
"You never know."
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A/N: first false lovers chapter in months lol. The wait was worth it I promise. We’re getting closer to the final problem arc tho and that’s depressing ☹️ Anyways, I have finals soon but during the summer, I’ll be posting a lot more, I promiseee. Let me know if I guys liked this chapter because I made a few slight changes from my normal style soo. Okay bye byeee ‼️
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ari-the-silly · 5 months ago
Day 5 of rtc oct- Headcanon :P
I have kinda a lot but most wont come to mind rn so lets just take them like this
The fact that Penny and Ezra named every single of the monsters under their bed, i made a post about it some time ago and its now officially my headcanon
Mischa was one of those kids that his mom had to forcefully drag him inside when he was playing in parks with his neighbours
Ocean cut herself bangs and now hides them with her headband
Penny and Ricky would've kissed under the slides as kids. Their parents caught them and grounded both
Constance didnt want to work at the Blackwood café when she was younger, she wanted to be a nurse, but gave up when she started learning how to bake
Ricky draws. OFTEN. He has hidden drawings of Zolar around his room
Constance crochets for the choir plushies
Noel, Ocean and Constance were like a trio in kindergarten and everyone pushed them to stay together since pre-k to senior year
Mischa has 1 plushie he managed to keep since when he was in ukraine. It is an ikea shark plushie (BLÅHAJ)
Talia is a scene kid
Ricky has given all of his 14 cats very silly names (such as Soup or Giggleshitter)
Talia's mom and Mischa's mom know each other and the two found out way too late, they used to have playdates when they were babies
Penny and Talia are best friends after the accident
Constance is very good with kids and loves them, but when she was younger she despised the idea of having a sibling. She started crying and shouting that her brother wasnt part of their family when her parents came home with him
Talia is the worst influence there exists on this earth and she doesnt even do it on purpose
Noel doesnt talk to anyone about Monique
Noel will never admit it, but he is closer to Ocean than with Constance because him and Ocean were forced together by their parents
Noel is #1 blackrose shipper
Ricky and Constance #1 nischalia shippers
Mischa is #1 spacedolls shipper
Noel, Ocean and Talia are theatre kids
Talia moved to Uranium for Mischa (right after he died)
Talia's name "Talia" is an inside joke between her and Mischa. Her actual nickname is Naty (which is an actual nickname used for the name natalya)
I dont care what others say, Talia and Noel would be best friends. Their names come from the same exact latin words and both mean Christmas. AND ALSO I feel like Talia would get along with Noel so well even though Noel is probs dying over Mischa and Talia is literally dating him. They would both go over their favourite movies and actors and everything and it would just be so wholesome and heartwarming
Talia is a fan of the movie thirteen(2003) and The Virgin Suicides
Ricky has pictures of the whole choir on his wall. He didnt necessarily want them, but he keeps them there (they are all stacked in the same picture frame and the others are just pics of his cats)
Penny has patches in her uniform. Every single time she does a shenanigan, she manages to somehow ruin her uniform even more. All of the patches are colourful and vibrant next to the dull uniform
Ezra has a favourite cat of Ricky's. Its Meowser, a siamese cat. Meowser hates Penny.
Ezra probably cant see through his glasses anymore cause he either broke them and scratched them so much they are foggy or his vision has changed and he needs a new prescription
Ocean also needs glasses but she refuses to get them
Ricky had braces
Penny needed to have braces (she has an overbite) but didnt have hoe to get them so now she had slight crooked teeth
Talia and Ocean straighten the hell out of their hair
Ocean is gonna be bald by the age of 35 if she doesnt stop straightening her hair
Talia dyes her hair
So does Constance
Ricky dyed his hair to black and hates it then went blonde and hated it then went back to his natural hair colour and decided to never dye his hair again
Noel keeps trying to make Ocean dye her hair black or brown, Ocean always refuses saying that dye is artificial, toxic and bad for the enviroment
Ocean rants about anything and everything
So does Noel, but people get him better than Ocean
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years ago
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Fic Finder
1. Hello! Looking for a Wangxian fic where WWX + JZX + JYL are reincarnated (or time travel? not sure) to modern times and slowly remember their past lives. Wei Wuxian somehow transports LWJ to modern times, angst and misunderstandings happen, and the ending is they go back to the past/their original times. I know it's a completed fic, and Jin Zixuan is like the main narrator? Still racking my brain but this has been driving me crazy
FOUND? atlas in his sleepin' by anatheme (E, 48k, WangXian, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Reincarnation, Family Reunions, Dimension Travel, temporary transmigration, Transmigrator!LWJ, Yunmeng Shuangjie Reconciliation, jzx motherhenning wwx, First Time, Sharing Clothes, Angst with a Happy Ending, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies)
2. hello! thank you guys for your hard work, if it's okay, for the next fic finder i'm looking for a fic where wangxian is established and they think ayuan died on a night hunt (eaten by a monster i think). jc goes to find his body but can't if i remb correctly. also in the end ayuan isn't dead and turns up after a few days. thank you! @bi-bi-bitteraf​
FOUND! I think the fic is Setting Of The Sun by heartsdesire456 (M, 8k, wangxian, character death, or is it, grief/mourning, child loss, heavy angst)
3. Hi! I've been loving scrolling through your fic recs. I've been looking for this one wangxian fic and I can't find it and it's driving me CRAZY. It's post sunshot campaign, where wei wuxian is still in lotus pier with his siblings. He sleeps with lan zhan in a tavern, but in the morning lan zhan acts shocked and leaves (it turns out he was drunk and didn't remember the night before and thought he forced himself on wwx). Cue protective Jiang siblings. If you could help, that would be AMAZING!!!
FOUND? could you find a way to let me down slowly, if you’re leaving baby let me down slowly by ravenditefairylights (M, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Implied/Referenced Sex, Miscommunication, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Hurt WWX, Mutual Pining, Unreliable Narrator, Self-Esteem Issues, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Protective Siblings, Trauma, Slightly dubious consent, courtesy of drunk sex, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Phoenix Mountain, Chronic Pain, Getting Together, Fix-It of Sorts, One Braincell Trio, PTSD) 
4. Hi I’m looking for a fic that has Jiang Cheng pulling Wei WuXian up from the cliff after Wen Chao throws him off of it. I can’t remember if it’s a time travel fic or if he just wakes up from the surgery early and rushes after them. He ends up getting his arm cut off when pulling Wei Ying up but then goes on to be a badass in the war. Jiang Cheng does end up with Lan Xichen as well
FOUND? Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, Mutual Pining, seeing the future)
5. Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic that I've read a few months ago. Wei Wuxian was never adopted by the Jiangs and he ended up living on the streets. He isn't a cultivator either and work for the emperor instead. I remember the emperor wanting WWX marry his daughter half way through the story. I apologise if I can't describe much but its been a while since I've read it and the details are a bit foggy. @galaxiastarblr
FOUND? Copying Scriptures by chiyukimei (E, 31k, WangXian, Genius WWX, Palace, background ningsang, canon wangxian dynamics, Angst with a Happy Ending, LWJ Bites, LWJ is the baby of the Lan Clan, Good Uncle LQR, WangXian are parents, Fluff, Blood and Injury, Self-Harm)
6. Hello~ For the next fic finder I'm looking for this wangxian modern au fic. Established relationship and there's also background xuanli. I don't remember exactly how but a-yuan dies and the fic deals with what happens after (a-yuan is a toddler in the fic). Wwx takes it very badly but they slowly start to heal. I would be really really glad if you could find it for me! Thank you and have a nice day ♡ @vntaebun
7. Can anyone in mdzs fandom link me to a fic? It’s a wangxian Hades AU where wwx gives up his godhood and agrees to stay in the underworld, but hears his sister is in danger and he tries to break out of the underworld over and over again. LWJ is the god of death and keeps meeting him. I think it’s called “Who cares when they’re gone” by a camellia alice but I cannot find it on AO3 for the life of me! @sothisiswhyiamhere​
FOUND! who cares when you’re gone by camellialice (M, 22k, WangXian, Hades (Video Game) Fusion, Canon-Typical Levels of Self-Sacrifice, Canon-Typical Levels of Spitting Up Blood, Canon-Typical Levels of Pining)
8. Hi. I'm looking for a fic where LZ was a doctor (ER I think) and WY was an IT/programmer specialist (he worked for the nies?) and gave music lessons at elementaries and kindergartens. They met when LZ was late to pick LY up and WY stayed behind to look after LY. Also at one piont WY got sick with strep I think.
FOUND? Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, wangxian, modern, slow burn, kid fic, found family, it gets worse before it gets better, PTSD, blood and injury, dissociation, trauma, angst w happy ending, musicals, alternating pov, JC & WWX reconciliation, hurt/comfort, panic attacks)
9. hi! i hope the mods are doing great :)) i really need help looking for a fic, i'm pretty sure it's a time travel au where before they were transported to the past, both wwx and lwj apparently dies on a night hunt together. I remember there was a chapter wher lsz was already grown up and has his own family. he held wangxian's funeral along with his siblings that wangxian adopted along the way. I swear i found it here before but i completely lost it again, thanks so much for your help !! @makkachiin​
FOUND? Could be Time Charm by Jenrose  (E, 141k, wangxian, later queerplatonic LWJ/WWX/WQ, LXC/JGY/2nd Madam Mo, time travel fix-it, post-canon, everyone lives au, genius inventor WWX, BAMF wangxian, first time, pregnancy, childbirth, asexual character, aftermath of time travel, telepathic bond, slice of life)
10. For FF: Can you help me find a fic of WWX having a child with NMJ? I'm certain I've read it before but now I have no clue if my brain just...made it up or not lol
It does involve WWX getting resurrected into MXY's body though. If I'm not wrong WWX had "memory issues" that leaves holes from his past ones, that's why he doesn't remember having a Nie/Wei baby until he's back from the ritual like maybe weeks after. He also asked NHS for helping him find the child tho and kind of created miscommunications everywhere with LWJ (he also got kind pissy because he thought WWX is leaving him for somebody else). One point in the story LXC got bodyslammed by the Nie/Wei kid into the mud, and that was funny as hell
I think it's a/b/o, WWX/NMJ (Past) and WWX/LWJ (present), ft. LSZ as the middleman for everything
FOUND? Broken Memories, Broken Sabers by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 43k, MingXian, WangXian, ZhuiLingYi, Dynamics, Mpreg, Past MingXian, Jealous LWJ, Protective NHS, Protective WN, Angst and Feels, Misunderstandings, Oblivious WWX)
11. Looking for a fic where Wangxian starts dating because LWJ sent an anonymous ask to a Tumblr blog, which WWX saw. I think the blog was the xxx-culture-is type blog?
12. If a may ask help finding a fic it would also help me a lot, is one where the juniors time travel to the sun shot campaign and go all "Oh, the sunshot campaing isnt important" and Mingjue like "not important?" And tje juniors: "nah, is what happens next the important thing" "another war" "yes!" "No!" ... "what do you mean Jin Ling? That wasnt a war!"
Anf thats all I remember; I'll be forever grateful if you could help me 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ @astarlith
FOUND? aim to repaint these days by NinthFeather (T, 2k, Time Travel Fix-It, Junior Ensemble Shenanigans, Humor, Sunshot Campaign, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
13. I’m looking for a fic where Weiying and Mo Xuanyu are in a relationship, and they take Lanzhan to bed. Wy and mxy are like extensions of the same person, and wy is still utterly infatuated with lz. Rated E, I think. Thanks so much! @where-pansies-grow
FOUND? you and me alone by plonk (Not rated, 6k, wangxian, MXY/LJW/WWX, modern)
14. There’s I fix I’ve been trying to find and I can’t find it anywhere 😭 wangxian dates when they’re in high school and Lan zhan’s uncle does not approve so he sends him away and tells him he will not be family anymore if he goes back to Wei Ying. Wei Ying breaks up with him and then 13 years later they find each other again when the lan institute hires Wei Yings company to change the school’s system or something. It is all I remember but I know it was really good. Please help!! 😭 @danbun-22
FOUND? Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing)
15. Please help me find a fic, post cql, where lan wangji is in cold recess but is in contact with Wei Ying through letters. Cloud recess is attacked during a conference by local area bad people who oppose lan wangj’s ideals. He is injured and find a 2-3year old girl with high cultivation and hides/protects her in jingshi , Wei ying comes to his aid and fight off bad people! @dramaqueenrolf
FOUND! Rabbit Heart by Suaine (M, 56k, WangXian, during the separation in ep50, some animal cruelty (not committed by main characters), WWX adopts a puppy (YES I KNOW), Family Issues, Sexual Content)
16. Hello! I was wondering if any of you know a fic where during the Cloud Recesses Arc, WWX was working on some arrays? And I think QHJ has been the one to help WWX with them since he himself specialised in arrays but I don't remember if it might have been a time travel fix-it or not, sorry that I don't have much details :( in the event of not knowing which fic this is, do you happen to know any fics where QHJ emerges from seclusion to be more proactive in the story without him being portrayed negatively? Thank you for all your help, have a good day, mods!
FOUND? the time traveling letter series by MichelleFeather (G, 26k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ & WWX, LWJ & QHJ, Time Travel Fix-It, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Sad LWJ, Genius WWX, QHJ Lives, Parents WangXian, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, First Meetings, Love Confessions, Love Letters, Wangxian say 'fuck it' and leave the cultivation world, Requited Love, Not LXC Friendly, Not LQR Friendly, kind of, Good Father QHJ, Angry LWJ, Married WangXian, Established WangXian, LWJ & WWX Are LSZ's Parents, QHJ Lives, Good Father QHJ, WangXian Wedding, Sunshot Campaign, Abusive Jiang Family, Jiang Family Dynamics, Not JFM & YZY Friendly, WWX Creates a Sect | Yiling Wei Sect, Kinda) in it QHJ emerges from seclusion to be more proactive and in the second story he uses arrays
FOUND? The Tamed by Escheria (T, 459k, WangXian, LWJ/XZ, WYB/WWX, YiZhan, WIP, YLLZ WWX, The Untamed (TV) References, Overpowered WWX,XZ is WWX, Canon Divergence, Transmigration, Isekai, Demonic Cultivation, Genius WWX, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff, Soulmates) the search for QHJ and him being a master of the CR Arrays, i am 99% sure, its The Tamed, the huge story that is at 460,000 words and ongoing its this story, from chapter 56 ff on, he appears at the end, WWX and QHJ, they both bond over the arrays, that they created to protect CR.
17. hello! for the next fic finder, can you guys help me find this fic where wwx is in lan sect after sunshot with lan qiren researching about something (i forgot if lqr knew about his core, i think they're're searching scrolls abt cores, idk) then there's a specific scene where they accused wwx on putting the hundred holes curse, then i think someone demanded that wwx should open his robes. lan qiren defended him that wwx is with him that past few days and that he's not the one who put the curse.
18. Hello! Can you help me find the fic where Wei Ying is a secret heir. He has fake identity, I think to protect him. Lan Zhan found him in an event. Wwx is bestfriends with Nhs and some of them thought that they're in a relationship. Wwx is cousins with Jiang Cheng, he sometimes the pretend boyfriend of Wwx. Uncle four is also there, as bodyguard of Wwx. There's also a scene where Lxc is worried that his baby brother got a boyfriend and he investigate who Wwx is with the help of Nhs. He is worried that Wwx only after the Lans money but he is more richer than them.
I dont know if this is one fic Wwx posted a post of his lips using Lan Zhan's account?
FOUND! Is My Brother Being Conned? by Director_XuanWu (T, 49k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Attempt at Humor, Fluff and Crack)
19. Hi! I have request for fic finder! In this one Lwj is Wwx's neighbour and wc is Wwx's stalking ex. One day someone breaks into Wwx's house but it turns out to be Jc but they (Wwx and Lwj) had suspected the stalking ex.
That's all I remember, thanks!
FOUND? We Get To Have This by ImTaakofromTV (M, 35k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Domestic Fluff, Happy Ending, Wholesome, Neighbors, Past Child Abuse, Past Domestic Violence, Panic Attacks, Self-Worth Issues, Bunnies, past home invasion, Breaking and Entering, Learning to Trust Again, Light Misunderstandings)
20. thank you - your recomendations help find new favorites!! I like your compilation posts too, but haven't been able to find a story i vaguely remember from years ago, when i was first discovering the Untamed. a modern fic, crossed with the Grave Robbers world - in it Wen NIng has a refuge on a mountain top, with gardens (and rabbits?) and he sort of hibernates there, waiting to reunite with Wei Ying. Zhang Quilin is curious about him, and makes it through his wards. this is all i remember!
FOUND! Wen Ning the Friendly Ghost by bookjoyworm (T, 17k, WN & ZQL, The Grave robber’s chronicles fusion, Implied/Referenced Pingxie (preslash), stories and legends, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Courtesy of Xiaoge's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Childhood (nothing graphic), Zhang Qiling deserves friends who he won't outlive, and just yk in general, in which I take advantage of zql's hole-filled backstory, 5+1 Things)
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mahimahi713 · 7 months ago
Hello, all. Here is ME bringing a crossover no one asked for. And it’s probably the worst crossover idea to date. I see a bunch of ideas and fics for DP and DC crossovers and that’s fine. But I prefer Marvel. The shows especially.
Specifically I’m talking a Sam focused DannyPhantom and Punisher crossover. So what happens is is that Danny is critically injured in a ghost battle. He’s taken into the ghost zone to heal. The GIW somehow find out. Tucker and his family are able to go into hiding with Jazz and Danny’s parents (they know in this fic) and so does Dani and Val and her dad.
But who doesn’t? Sam and her family who are on vacation. Sam didn’t want to even go on vacation. But Jack and Maddie convince her as tbis may be the last time Ida can travel like that and because Danny is safe and sound in the GZ and is being taken care of. For whatever reason (still need work it out) they can’t reach the Mansons to warn them the GIW are coming or they can’t because the GIW reach them at the same time.
So Sam along with her parents and Ida are all captured.
It gets dark because the GIW are really terrible in this crossover and they aren’t above torturing Sam.
To try and get Sam to tell them where Danny is and how to get to him they threaten her parents and Ida who also refuse to talk and are ultimately killed in front of her. They also tell Sam to not say a thing.
I don’t know how Frank (this is specifically the Punisher from the Netflix show) winds up at the HQ where Sam is, but he does. And he sees that they’re torturing a teenage girl. And he’s not letting that slide. I get it is Punisher but he doesn’t just swoop in and kill them all and save Sam. He gets caught and thrown in a cell and he and Sam get to talking (maybe, might change this).
But then things really take a turn where the guy who’s been the one torturing her the most and has made all the plans for it basically is like “as a man, I have a way of breaking a girl” and he obviously means what you think it does. Maybe that is too much. It doesn’t happen. But the guy goes in there to do it but Sam has been stewing in rage so she pretends to be unconscious and with what strength she has when he comes into her cell is tap into every self defense lesson she’s ever had and stick her thumbs into his eyes and bite down on his nose as hard as she can. She’s running on rage, anguish and adrenaline.
It’s then she’s able to get out, gets Frank out and they (mostly Frank) fight off/kill the GIW and escape.
They know that they can’t just be out in the open. Sam recognizes where they are and knows that they’re not too far from a cabin her family owns that her parents bought in recent years that the trio went to pretty frequently. It’s stocked with shelf stable food and even has ghost fighting weapons. Sam is able to patch up Frank as well as herself and she gives him stitches and obviously he’s wondering why TF she knows how to do that. She tells him she just was curious and googled it and then got stuff online to practice at home. She could tell him the truth but she’s not so sure if she should. He also sees her fire off a bazooka while they were still at the GIW HQ that the giw stole the idea from the Fentons so he’s like “wtf even are you??” And then they go to her cabin and she’s got weapons? Like custom made specialized weapons.
Daredevil would come in eventually. Idk where the series ends but I’ve got a couple more episodes of season 3.
But I might make it so Matt represents Sam. Or even Foggy. And they get her charges from the giw dropped. She just acted in self defense and the giw tortured a minor and killed her family. They abducted her and imprisoned her. So they get the GIW shut down and defunded.
Of course it’s not the end of Sam’s problems because they shitty members of her family when the news went out that Sam and her family were missing, tried to get their hands on the vast wealth they have and Sam is set to inherit. And they suck and don’t back off because Sam is back.
This is just an overview.
Just a little self indulgence because I love marvel shows and DP
And I think the dynamic between Sam and Frank could be interesting and even comical at times (on Sam’s part)
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onyxisnotuniqueenough · 2 years ago
About Karen Page
so. i know this weird little argument should've ended long ago. but i'm in the process of rewatching the defenders saga and i'm actually in the middle of s2 of Daredevil....AND YES I WANNA WRITE A WHOLE TUMBLR POST ABOUT KAREN OK
but first, i wanted to give a little extra info or context or whatever i'm supposed to call it
here are the links to the posts relevant here
0 (me)
1 (me)
2 (me)
3 (nyxxhecate)
4 (nyxxhecate)
5 (nyxxhecate)
also the comments count too. look at whatever nyxxhecate commented on these posts
I unblocked nyxxhecate since i first blocked them, out of honest curiosity. right before i'm writing this actually.
I just wanted to see if they've commented anything else since then or if they made posts on their own about their opinions on Daredevil. Three of the links above are their posts, and idk if tumblr notifies for that but I still don't want to @ them.
I'm not interested in debating with them or starting another argument, and couldn't care less of they see this or not. I am not writing to this person like i was in my other posts, nor am i answering to their comments or whatever points they brought up in their reblogs.
there is ONE thing they said that rang with me though :
"knock your fucking self off that pedestal you're trying to put yourself in. Imagine the level of delusion one must have to think they're intelligent because, *checks notes* they typed in word salad to defend why they like two atrocious TV characters LMAO. You're on Tumblr not the fucking Congress, get a grip IJBOL"
I'm gonna be honest here - I DO enjoy typing word salad. I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing essays. I enjoy trying to use exact words to say what i want to say.
English is my second language, technically, yes, but I have been speaking it for more then ten years, and i'm doing my best to improve because i'm hoping that i'll get to work in english some day. My accent isn't perfect but I'm confident in my spelling and writing and everything.
I've been raised in french, I've done primary, middle and high school in french, and my uni is also french-speaking. I write everything in french all of the time. But since i've taught myself to think in english first sometimes, and none of my irl friends or family like Daredevil or Breaking Bad or anything i like in general - I don't get many chances to argue irl.
So yes, I use Tumblr as an outlet to type as much as I want, even if that means talking to a wall, but at least i get to talk about (IN LENGTH) things i love - and open some kind of discussion (although i'm not blind, i know that rarely anyone replies or anything, but that will hopefully come in time)
Now that that's said - let's get to the actual main course :
Karen Page !
As I've said in the beginning i am in the middle of s2 of DD, just finished EP6 : Regrets Only to be precise. I've already got a few things to say.
but first : I'll only talk about her in S1 and S2 and Defenders - because believe it or not, as much as I love Daredevil I AM SORRY but I HAVE NOT YET WATCHED SEASON 3. i miraculously haven't been spoiled about much, all I know is that Matt wakes up in church after his "death", boxes there, there's some kind of detective that seems important and he fights with Fisk again in his black outfit. THAT'S ALL I KNOW AND LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY.
what do i, Onyx LastName, think of Karen's character.
On my first watch, I didn't like her at all.
Not because she was a "hypocrite"or whatever everyone else is spewing but because I had this huge crush on Matt and was jealous of her.
I'll admit, that's all that my judgement was based on. I thought I didn't like her chemistry with Matt, the way that it made the Nelson-Murdock-Page trio awkward, and how it left Foggy on the sidelines. I like him. I related to him. He was suffering of Sidekick syndrome, with Matt getting powers, getting to be the hero, getting all the ladies, etc etc. I spent my whole life and I'm still actually spending it feeling like I have Sidekick Syndrome myself. If you also feel like you got that you'll know what I mean.
"So Foggy has a special place in your heart. Boohoo. what does that have to do with anything?" You've read this far and you're JUST NOW running out of patience??
Since that initial watch, and after watching countless videos, reading countless fanfics, and honestly my taste just having changed - my perspective of Matt shifted, and so has my opinion on Karen.
I don't think i'm blinded by my attration to Matt anymore, even if he still holds a special place in my heart.
But unfortunately, I still have some issues with Karen's character.
I don't think I've ever really talked about it on here, except maybe with a friend or two in dms, but it's true that I don't really like her. Or how was she was written. This post is not structured or outlined, it's a stream of consciousness...so let's hope i get the answer to that by the end of it.
Now i'm nowhere near agreeing with ANY of what nyxxhecate said, but knowing I wanted to have a definitive opinion of her and make a post about it maybe, I've been looking at her closely during my rewatch - and there are some things I've missed.
So, first, to correct my previous post,
Why is Karen attracted to Matt in the first place?
I made my post about the Foggy and Karen thing before rewatching and refreshing my memory of the ACTUAL EVENTS. I just wrote that in passing after seeing a reaction of that "date" at Mrs. Cardenas.
Here is an updated take :
I think Karen fell for Matt when she first lied to him about keeping the Union Allied file.
You just lived through an intense traumatic experience. You find yourself with a bloody knife in your hand next to the lifeless body of someone you knew and found really nice. Someone tries to hang you in your prison cell at night to make it look like you killed yourself, and no one believes you.
until Nelson and Murdock come in. You're not sure about their intentions at first but they seem kind and most importantly they believe you and are willing to defend you. They're giving you a chance. Not good samaritans but literal guardian angels.
While Foggy is hesitant at first, Matt "I believe you Miss Page"s you right off the bat. (everything's a verb if you squint hard enough)
Matt invites you to his place and assures he'll protect you.
Matt opens up about his blindness and is willing to be vulnerable in front of you.
Matt gives up his silk-sheeted bed to make sure you're comfortable.
All of that when you're vulnerable and Matt is tall and handsome and has this charming smile and ugh. How not to fall for him ? I mean you're wearing his shirt and the beautiful pink lighting in his living room is making everything all romantic. Also if you've noticed the billboard outside his window is for "Xining Airways", company that uses CHERRY BLOSSOM imagery in their advertisement. COME ON.
But then you get to talking about the case again - I mean the reason you're here in the first place - and he asks you an important question.
Did you keep the file?
You lie and say you didn't, feeling your heart beating faster. You're not even sure that sounded convincing at all. And you see the cogs turning in his head, and even if he let you off the hook, you know deep down he didn't really believe it. May seem like me extrapolating here but it IS obvious that he doesn't believe her. But as long as he's not pushing further, that doesn't change much for Karen anyway.
I think that his expression reads that he's seeing right through her.
He believed her when no one else would the first time - but seemingly for no reason.
Matt just KNEW you didn't do it. He saw right through you. You almost feel like he knows what you're thinking.
And again, that kind of connection that you're feeling, in an especially emotionally vulnerable state - plants the seed for love. EASILY.
Any of their awkward flirting before they started dating i am willing to close an eye on.
AFTER THAT? that's just cruel to Foggy and unprofessional and weird in general. Why the HELL are you holding hands in front of whatever DA or cop you just talked to to walk in Frank's hospital room?
Why are you kissing in front of Foggy???
I can understand the thing at Josie's but when you're in the middle of dealing with an extremely important case and Elektra's driver shows up out of nowhere and you're abandoning your partner in a situation that you created and ugh. ew. It's all so weird.
I don't like Karen and Matt dating any more than I did on the first watch but I don't see it through jealousy-tinted glasses and more for what it actually is. misplaced.
Season 2 is the least favorite Daredevil season of anyone I've ever met or talked to and I completely agree that the structure is strange, even if I get what they wanted to do with juxtaposing
Daredevil/Elektra/Hand stuff
Matt/Karen/Punisher stuff.
This juxtaposition, while I kinda get the vision, just isn't working. The Hand is the worst plot I have ever seen in my life, and that applies to Defenders too, so that's one reason, but the fact that they tried to mix everything together at once just felt weird pacing wise - and they lost characterization on Matt, Foggy and Elektra's part. All three and their relationships with each other were written weird.
Let's get back on track.
Season 2, Karen spends her time investigating and defending Frank.
And that is what she's most criticized for : "protecting and defending frank's actions" and "condemning Matt's lying when she's lying herself."
Frank Castle is a difficult subject.
He is the subject of many debates, wether in the fandom or in the actual show. Is he a hero? Are his murders justifiable? Are Matt and Frank two sides of the same coin? What message is he sending to the audience? How should he be interpreted by his audience? Is Frank redeemable? Is he a glorification or a fetishization of everything that's wrong with the USA? and so on so forth bla bla bla
What matters HERE is what KAREN thinks of him.
Karen is a very determined and ambitious journalist, to say the least. She'd do anything to get to the truth. These qualities that seem very noble at first are also her main flaws. By putting the story first, she throws caution the wind and that very recklessness of hers is what kills Ben Urich, and what compels her to defend Frank so adamantly.
But there's a facet of her personality that I haven't seen being delved into or explained anywhere - her sometimes misplaced but very much there Savior complex, or White Knight syndrome.
She empathized and honestly liked Mrs. Cardenas (a cute old little guatemalan christian lady, who had no one). She wanted to help her. She felt that she was treated unfairly, that all the tenants were treated unfairly, and that was what prompted her to want to take down Fisk. Fisk was using, manipulating and stealing blind people who were already unfortunate. Fisk is lying to the public and hiding his true criminal activities. Savior Complex is activated, now Karen has to find a way to bring him down, even if that means putting her nose where it doesn't belong and provoking the death of Ben Urich.
Now let's look at the situation in S2.
She empathizes with Frank Castle (a man who's entire family got killed and now has no one). He has some kind of moral code that seems noble to her. She feels that he's being treated unfairly, that no one is taking his dead family into account, or what he's already done as a soldier. Frank is unapologetically admitting and sticking by his actions and his code. He doesn't want to hurt anyone that doesn't deserve, in his eyes, to die. Reyes is not upholding her side of the wit-pro deal (She used Grotto as bait, someone Karen already empathized with). Reyes was purposefully trying to get Frank the death penalty for her own gain (she had her eye on the mayor's office) and is hiding a shady past. Savior Complex is activated, now Karen has to find a way to prove that Frank's not all bad and to expose Reyes, even if that means putting her nose where it doesn't belong and overstepping boundaries when she's not a lawyer, and frankly doesn't deserve to get Ben's desk or his job.
When you finally pin down her behavioral pattern and why she acts how she acts, it's easier to understand.
So yes, I understand Karen. (In my opinion at least.)
What makes her who she is is that savior complex of hers, that MORAL code of her own. How she sees herself and what she thinks is her PURPOSE is how she justifies her mistakes, or the risks she takes, to herself. As means to an end.
She doesn't seem to doubt herself or question herself enough to see that her behavior, even if her goal is noble, is not always right.
Her believing that she acts as a savior to others is precisely what makes her a little self-centered.
And, because Matt has this problem too sometimes, she is an interesting character to compare to him.
But now, see, as i've spend a lot of time writing this, my own cogs are turning. I think I've identified what my problem is with Karen.
It's how she's framed. by the writers. by the show.
We see Matt's guilt but don't see hers.
We see his internal turmoil but not hers.
We see him doubt himself all the time and seek for answers in his faith or in people but not her.
If we got to see Karen doubt herself more, show more of her guilt over her killing Wesley, her causing the death of Urich, that would make for a much more likeable and relateable character.
When she argues with Matt or something, what she says makes it seems "hypocritical" of her not to hold herself to the same moral standards than she does others.
But I don't think seeing the flaws in others means you don't see your own. Again, if we had seen Karen questioning and doubting herself, and feeling guilty for what she's done (and not just crying or having ONE nightmare about it. Her trauma should have been more explored in general. from the beginning.) then we'd see that she is self-aware and recognizes her own mistakes and her continuing to feed into her savior complex is her way of finding closure. or trying to save herself from being completely consumed by her own guilt.
So yes. I don't like Karen, not because I don't like her, but be..cause...I wish... we'd seen more of her? or at least framed her differently?
I didn't think I'd reach that conclusion. I thought I'd actually find a real reason not to like HER.
But that's maïeutique for you i guess. or to put it differently, rubber-ducking, right? Isn't that programming lingo?
Also maybe i'm not completely over how Matt and Karen third-wheeled Foggy. or how Matt doesn't really fit with any of his on-screen love interests and how I wish they hadn't dated. but that's a story for another day.
Thank you for reading this far, if you're still here! Tell me your thoughts and opinions on Karen or my own way of explaining it :)
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that1fangirrl · 1 year ago
Angel- Chapter 4
Matt knew something was wrong before Jenevieve walked through the doors of the building. Under her light floral perfume and 3 day washed out vanilla mint shampoo, she smelled of anxiety. “Good morning everybody.” She says in a quiet voice. “Why the long face Jen?” Foggy asks, coming to sit next to her at the main table. “My parents. They’re having another one of their stupid charity events.” She puts her head down. “What could be so bad about that? You guys are raising money for good, right?” “Well, yeah. It’s just annoying. I always have to make an appearance and act all happy around a bunch of old rich people. I hated it when I was young and it’s only gotten worse.” She sighs. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to dump all this on you guys. It’s just really hard having to be around a bunch of people. Especially if I don’t know them well.” Matt frowns. “Do you get to bring a friend? Maybe that could help you get through the night a little faster. How about that friend from the cafe? Jubilee?” She rubs her eyes. “She’s going to visit some family members. And Ororo has a shift that night. So, I’m basically gonna be alone the whole night.” Her anxiety picks up. “I'm free. What day is it?” Matt asks with a small smile. She smiles back. “You’re too kind. I can’t force you to do that though. It wouldn’t feel right.” Foggy chimes in, “Believe it or not. Matt is the best person to take. I’d go, but I have a date with Marci.” “Um, okay then. Are you sure you want to Matt? It’s gonna be a room full of annoying assholes… and my family.” “I deal with “annoying assholes” everyday, remember? I am a lawyer. Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure we have a good time.” His smile gets bigger as he hears her heart skip a beat. She blushes a little. Foggy watches as they interact with him seemingly pushed to the back of their minds. “Right. Okay. Great! Do you have a favorite color by any chance? Maybe we could match or something.” “I’m sure you’ll look great in anything. But since you asked, red is my signature color.” He pushes up his glasses a little. “Perfect! I’ll, um… let you know more later on.” She stares for a minute. “I should get to organizing the file cabinet.” She says, getting up to walk away with  reddened cheeks. “What was that all about?” Foggy turns to Matt with a knowing look. “What? I just offered to go cause she seemed anxious. I wanted to make her feel more comfortable.” “Sure you did. Have fun with making my favorite intern “feel more comfortable”.” Foggy gets up heading to his desk. 
“He WHAT?!” Jean says with big eyes. The rest of the day at the firm was quiet, but fast. The last couple of weeks had been the exact same as they prepared for their newest case.  Jenevieve had lost count of how much she went back and forth between printing and filing for Foggy and Matt. Karen doesn’t ask her for much. Only asking if she’s hungry or wanting another coffee to get her through the day. When Jenevieve got home today, she was greeted with the sight of her best friends, Jean Grey and Scott Summers, sitting on her couch with her roommates. The two had come to visit the trio as a surprise. Since they were there,  Jeni decided to fill them in on everything that had taken place earlier that morning. “That’s what I said. What if this is his subtle way of asking you out?” Jubilee says with a Cheshire smile. Jeni turns pink and looks away from the group. “He is not. It’s just two colleagues going to an event. He’s still my boss at the end of the day. It would probably be weird if our relationship wasn’t just that.” She says, although she can't help but think about what it would be like if she did date Matt. “You never know. You guys look kinda hot coming into the cafe everyday. Like real couple shit.He always tries to pay for you, he keeps his hands to himself, and if I didn’t know any better, I'd say he leaves his cane at the firm so you can touch his massive arms. Like damn, how does a blind man get that snatched? If he weren’t blind, I’d say we would’ve had him as a guest teacher for training class. The guy is ripped.” Jubilee fans herself biting her lip at Jeni. “Wait, wait. He’s ripped and blind? What does he look like?” Jeni pulls out her phone, scrolling to a selfie she took with him for her mom. The two were seen smiling slightly. Jeni holding the camera up in one hand and a peace sign on the other. “Fuck! Are you sure he’s blind? What if he just fakes it to get bitches or something?” Scott says leaning over Jean to get a better view of the picture. “Trust me. He is. It was a big story in the paper a long time ago. He was like 9 and got chemicals in his eyes after trying to save some guy. It was super heroic and shit.” Jenevieve exclaimed to her friends. The group stares at her. “What?” Jean shakes her head. “Have you tried touching his hands to see anything else about him?” Jenevieve’s smile drops. “No. You know I hate doing that. Besides, how do you even do that? “Hey Matt, not to be weird or anything, but could I hold your hands really quick?” Ew, I can’t even- No, just no. I’m never doing that again.” She shivers a little. “Right, sorry.” The girls share a quick smile. “It’s fine. Um, I should probably get to bed though. I have to get to the office kinda early tomorrow. We’re preparing for a new case. Uh. Goodnight guys. I love you.” She hugs them all individually. Then walks away towards her bathroom, drawing herself a bath. She takes off her glasses and clothes. She massages her scalp as her hair flows down her back. She steps into the bath, taking a seat in the warm water with her legs to her chest. As she hugs herself, she begins to cry a little. Her hand flys to her mouth trying to keep her sobs to herself. She hopes no one can hear her. Luckily her friends didn’t. Unfortunately, someone else did. 
author's note: honestly i hate this chapter. it just feels off and boring. idk maybe too expositional too
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novacreatesthings · 1 year ago
Chapter III
CW: Derealization and mentions of transphobia 
Rory woke up in a bus and he looked around. He noticed that he was alone and it was dim. They got up from their seat and walked out of the bus. It was foggy and slightly drizzling. He took out his phone, but found out that it was dead. Rory was confused while looking around, then they realized that they were in the suburban place where their family moved when they were eight. 
The elf was shaking as he heard footsteps and felt a hand on his right shoulder. “Why…?” the voice spoke to Rory, realizing that it was his mother. She glanced at him as he turned to her, feeling his heart pumping. “Why did you betray us?” she spoke again as Rory saw two other figures approaching him, finding out that it was his father and brother. They all approached the younger elf as the world around him was going dark.
Then, everything went dark.
I don’t like this.
Let me wake up.
I'm scared.
Then, Rory woke up and looked around the room, then sighed as he wiped his tears. He got up from their bed and went to see what was happening downstairs. But they heard something from the kitchen. A slime monster and a cat with a short tail were nearby. Rory was quietly watching Helga greet the two, but was also trying to forget about that nightmare he had. 
“I'm telling you! The professor was talking about the meteor shower that is going to happen very soon!” the cat exclaimed. “A meteor shower? Didn't that happen before?” the slime monster asked as they looked at the short tailed cat. While the conversation was still going on, the elf quietly walked downstairs and stood there. He was trying to find a way to talk to them until the cat spoke out.
“Are you new here?”
Rory looked at the gang and his tail swayed slowly. “Yeah… I'm Rory. Rory Maxwell.” they spoke to them and cleared their throat before Helga spoke out. “Rory, I want you to meet my classmates. This is Reggie and my partner Mo. Guys, this is Rory and he’s going to our school tomorrow.”
“Wait really?” Reggie questioned as she nodded. “What class will he attend?” Mo asked before Helga spoke out. “We may not know, but let's hope that nothing bad will happen. We gotta make sure that he feels safe.” The two would agree with her while Rory was zoning out. He was getting his own thoughts of his future and how much he wanted to achieve his career.
But then, the elf snapped out of their thoughts and looked at the trio. “Rory, you okay? You kinda dozed off.” Reggie said as the elf with dreadlocks rubbed his eyes and blinked. “I was thinking about my career, that's why.” When he said that, the others continued their conversation. But he was also reminded of his parents and how they actually want him to work as a doctor or a professional person instead.
When Rory walked to the kitchen, he was also reminded of how his brother found out that he was transgender and non-binary. The way his brother spoke to him about his gender dysphoria and why he considers it as “attention seeking.” Rory grabbed a cup and got some water, but they also remembered that their parents weren't happy about them secretly transitioning. Despite their family’s beliefs, they were considered as a rebel and an ungrateful person. 
The elf sipped their cup of water and looked down at themself. He started to remember the dreams he used to have. Rory wished that his family was supportive of his hobbies and interests, but unfortunately they never will. Rory decided to go to his room and take out his diary.
Monday, February XXI, MMXXII
"I’m starting school tomorrow and I just met a few people. Even though I’m no longer with my family, I really hope nothing bad happens."
Once the elf put their pencil down, they started to feel stiff. Rory got up and removed his shirt, realizing that he slept with his binder on. He carefully took it off and put his shirt back on, then started to do some exercises. Afterwards, he would pick out some clothes for Balore Academy, folding them on his dresser next to his glasses and accessories. 
He opened his phone and put on an alarm for the next morning. Once Rory finished preparing for tomorrow, they sat down on their bed and looked at the ceiling. They started thinking about their future and how it's going to be, along with achieving their goals. 
But something was also reminding Rory about his family. How his brother mocked him for wanting to learn about coding and the way his parents told him that he won't be a good artist. He shook his head and decided to go to sleep, wanting to get his mind off and be prepared for a new day tomorrow.
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rev-wrath · 2 months ago
He is very pretty. I have no clue how far you are into the fic but that sounds relatively early.
Matt wonders. He’ll never actually know what he could have done differently to change it. If anything. Maybe R was just like that. Lord knows Matt’s like that sometimes. Bruce certainly is. (Excellent names, beloved)
Bruce worries and calls Matt, hoping he’ll pick up. He probably wants to drop everything and be there as soon as he can. Even for a day or two. People who know Bruce know it’s more similar to the tone he uses for his family, maybe even Clark. And the kids are clocking his weird behavior and almost familiarity with the small New York hero. They’re also just competitive, nosy, and like being right.
R teaches Damian, guides him. Taking him along on small “errands” before eventually letting him go out on his own. Bruce can do shared. Damian, who I think is smaller and younger than when first introduced in canon, is piping up. After everything with R and then Matt, Bruce gets even more concerned and wants his lovers closer. Plus one of them has been raising his kid! It makes sense to talk to them about moving into the same city at least.
Beloved, I am pushing the idea further into you, don’t worry.
Foggy talks about Matt’s original outfit and Alfred is nodding along, so Foggy asks if Bruce had a similar thing in the beginning. It’s good to keep each other updated so they have a better idea of what’s going on there. Helpful if one is also out of town or in desperate need of help their vigilantes won’t ask for. Matt only has shitty beer and Tim considers restocking Matt’s kitchen. Dick brings fancy food that’s nice. Just something the trio probably wouldn’t ever consider or receive otherwise. Matt calls Bruce and tells him it’s fine, they’re Bruce’s kids, so he can’t be too upset. Matt just wanted to know and to tell Bruce to maybe ask the kids to not do it too much. But they’re welcomed if they need something. Maybe just call ahead if they can. For Spidey, I guess part of that is dynamics, but the main thing is personality honestly.
The magpie is crashing into your theatre, to throw the fic idea at you.
So, the first part would consist of Batdevil + R who are all not into the vigilante/violence of stuff yet. R works at a bartender in a bar at NYC. Bruce is there as part of a training thing or a business thing (this depends on if I want to lean more into Battinson or not). On a Friday R meets Matt (and Foggy) and Matt and R hit it off. On a Monday, R meets Bruce and they too, hit it off. This continues for several weeks until Matt and Bruce come into the bar at the same time. And the three of them most likely went to wherever the hell Bruce is staying to have a wild night.
It starts off like that, but they're very blurred lines. Bruce prolongs his stay at NYC because he feels as though these two can understand him. And like. all three of them have experience in sparring, so it's not a stretch to have them release some pent up energy through spars, even if R doesn't particularly love to do it.
They all end things amicably bc Matt's going to be busy doing lawyer stuff, Bruce has to go back to Gotham, and R doesn't do attachment. Matt does promise R that he would visit often. And they all still exchange phone numbers.
The second part starts up with a time skip. (Ten years? fifteen? depends on how long Bruce is going to be training + when he's going to be Batman). It's R and their weird-ass Assassin ancestors talking to each other and convincing them to go to the League of Assassins. Thoughts of Bruce and Matt are the furthest thing from their mind, but Bruce and Matt think of R + each other often. Maybe they think more about R because they seemingly disappeared. Kidnapped. Maybe they spent years secretly searching for a trace of them?
Anyways, R goes to the League, sees that it is absolutely not a Brotherhood they/their ancestors built, and kind of. Steam rolls through. Half-adopts Damian on the way bc this tiny child reminds their ancestors of their own children??? And then the two of them go to Gotham (bc after the whole activating the Isu device to save the earth from a huge solar flare but in return releasing an evil Isu woman named Juno, I assume the JL and whatever big name Marvel superhero group tidied everything up and got rid of Juno and had a Piece of Eden/Apple of Eden somewhere) bc their fucked up arm told them that that's where the Apple is. Surprise, surprise, it's in the Batcave. Somewhere here, R kills someone in front of Batman.
For Matt's part, R drops back to NYC after not having been there for years (in case anyone recognises them) bc they've been hearing stuff about Abstergo/the Templars being there and having the shroud of Eden in their hands. So they go off to intercept it before it can get to Abstergo at the docks. Daredevil is there, and recognises R in an instant. (Damian is there? Maybe?). R assassinates the guards/men without a hesitating or breaking a sweat.
I guess the end of the second part would be the three of them meeting? Maybe Bruce chases after this mysterious assassin to NYC and steps into the Devil's territory?
And then the third part would be the three of them sorting things out? (God, this has devolved into a three part series AND an epilogue.)
This is your fic so very much your nest still, birdie. But welcomed nonetheless.
I was about to say how specific the days are for the first meeting of Matt and Bruce but it’s nearly back to back so that’s probably the reason. The several weeks of Matt and Bruce coming in separately sounds so fun. Plus Matt and Bruce finally meeting and interacting. And then there’s the after obviously.
That’s fair. But does Matt ever actually follow up on that promise?
It’s funny, cause technically if they ever wanted to, Matt and Bruce could have just, visited each other. It’s not like they don’t know who the other is or where to find them. Bruce, at least, would probably try to secretly find them.
R’s ancestors are what brings them to Damian and sort of back to Bruce. So they just tear apart the League? Or they rebuild it after? Bruce would try to keep the Apple. For whatever reason. Does R know who Bruce/Batman is in relation to Damian and leave him with Bruce? Does R know that Bruce is Batman?
I don’t have much to add other than Matt realizing who’s at docks will be fun!
That would make the most sense for Bruce to follow. At least in that time frame. Otherwise he would probably have to figure out it’s R and/or what R was doing, Apple/Eden stuff, and follow for information.
Sorting things out with themselves and everything R was doing. (I don’t think this was the short fic I had in mind but close enough?)
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wisconsin2002 · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
You know the older I get the more I realise that cartoon communities and fandoms nowadays are really impatient and can't let a story roll out... Or.. They want so much obvious information spoon fed to them.
I've noticed it a bit with Amphibia fandom and I've noticed a lot aswell in TOH fandom aswell.
With Amphibia it's been.. People saying that Anne has just completely forgot and doesn't care about her friends and barely even thinking about them.
The constant nights that Anne spent on her laptop, looking for quite literally impossible and almost non existent information that the human world doesn't know about.. Trying her hardest to bring her friends back home and writing letters to her friends families during the holidays...
ITS RIGHT THERE! Anne has shown she cares so many times its actually mind boggling to me that this hot take even exists at all.
The one hot take I do understand is the one with people saying That Sasha doesn't seem to show that much care for what happened to Marcy. That one for sure should have been discussed more and maybe it will who knows. But Sasha was a big part of both Marcy and Annes life and it feels like we've just seen what Anne meant to her for the most part. I hope we can see more of a balance with the trio and their past and how that connects with them now.. Other than.. "SaShA tOxIc MEaNie BuLy Bad."
Ahhhh.. Now Owl house..oh boy
Okay.. Hot take analysis number 1
We dont know Jack shit about her and the fandom already hates her cause she didn't live up to their evil Luz headcanon and expectation.
At the end of the day. Yeah.. I guess you can say that the writting got slopy there a bit and was dissapointing..
But I mean you can also say that yall had mountain high expectations from a show that was told time and time again...was cut short and had many writing problems and production problems along the way because of COVID delays aswell.
I mean if you didn't see the plot holes coming idk what to tell you man. Feels bad dude.. Have a cookie🍪
I for one adore Vee and I think she's great but I also do feel a bit suspicious cause it all just seems so easy and knowing Owl house's mysterious nature in the show...Vee could maybe possibly be.. a Trap.
Analysis number 2
Amity and Willow
Some people say that the whole reason Willow and Amity's bond hasn't gotten stronger is because of Lumity.
Now I can't say I've seen this often but I have seen it enough times to be like
Wtf.. No seriously like what the actual fuck?
I thought it was obvious since Understanding Willow that Willow is giving not only herself but also Amity time and space to grow past what they went through or atleast time to where they feel comfortable enough to talk about what they went through together in the future with a healthier mindset and growth. I thought it was obvious that while Willow still has not warmed up to Amity enough to go back to the way things used to be... They respect and understand eachothers past struggles that lead up to those unfortunate events... But I guess it wasn't to some people... Why?..
People want shit spoon fed to them!
Well if you want spoon fed info.. Dana Terrace herself was actually asked about Amity and Willow already becoming friends in the future seasons.. My memory is a bit foggy but I think she said something around the lines of Willow had been through a lot and so has Amity and they both need time to just figure themselves out right now before any of that can happen.
Now my memory is a bit foggy so take what I'm saying there with a grain of salt.. Altho I for sure do remember Dana talking about where Amity and Willows relationship goes from here.
Also I will agree that Willow is a gem that no doubt deserves so much more screen time. 👏
Analysis number 3
Lumity and chemistry
I dont see this often at all cause lumity is such a beloved ship by many including myself💜
But some people.. NOT ALL.. But some say they have very little to no chemistry...
Let me tell ya something buddy.
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If these two.. Can dance for 1 minute and that being the only piece of chemistry they have.. Can manage to make the shipper twerk their asses and make piles on top of piles of Artwork and fanfics off of that singular dance to the point in time it completely overshadows the actual Canon relationship in the show...
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And this Rated PG stalker can be considered a good love interest.
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Than these little cuties are fine💜
I won't lie. It's not a perfect relationship. There are flaws for sure. What relationship doesn't have flaws?
But the woman broke her damn leg for Luz and literally jumps into danger for her with no hesitation whatsoever. They get a pass.
No to mention that they bring out the best in eachother. Amity Was a forced self a centered Bully whom was about to let Luz get dissected and gutted like a fish.. And lost touch of everything that once made her happy to give herself this fake persona of a rich entitled bitch All to fit into the family name of the Blight family tree. And Luz Is a wild extroverted nerd that never really saw the complicated side when it came to her choice of choosing the path to become a witch.
Both on different paths... And both having obstacles keeping them in that path with choices to make and not exactly knowing how and where to take things anymore.
That's why I love it. Lumity was a great solution to both of their cries for help. Because now they have eachother in their lives to help eachother out with any issues that come their way. They both no longer feel like they only have one choice to make and one path to follow.
In terms of Lumity having no chemistry...
Well I think I typed enough of an essay🤣.. Just thought I'd talk about some hot takes that had me pretty confused.. But they are opinions at the end of the day so I'm not really here to change anyone's mind... In fact I do understand where people come from with some of their takes.. I'm just here to inform in a way I guess or talk about something that's been on my mind as well.
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malfoymxnor · 4 years ago
𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞
➤ pairing: draco malfoy x reader
➤ words: 1.4k
➤ genre: fluff
➤ summary: after the battle of hogwarts, you and draco run off in efforts to protect yourselves. you both find an abandoned house and renovate it to make it a home.
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“You know, darling, I usually don’t question your judgement but I have to ask: what in Merlin do you see in this place?”
After a soft laugh, you turn around to face Draco. One of his eyebrows was raised and his nose scrunched up slightly as the smell of must filled his senses. You weren’t sure how, but the simple, human-like expression left you staring in wonder at him. For the many years you spent at Hogwarts, you always viewed Draco Malfoy as almost god-like.
However, unfortunately, those glory years as a Hogwarts student were now over, almost overnight.
During Draco’s 7th year, you had become aware of who exactly his parents were and what they were forcing their only son to be as well. After all, rumor did travel fast around Hogwarts. You became aware of how the Golden Trio had essentially skipped their final year in an attempt to defeat Lord Voldemort. It was quite brave to you. You couldn’t imagine coming face to face to Lord Voldemort, let alone trying to defeat him.
Unfortunately for you, you did have to see Voldemort in the flesh. You actively participated in the Battle of Hogwarts. By the time He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and his army had invaded the castle, you and Draco had gotten quite close. You had sympathy for the place his parents had put him in. You couldn’t imagine having to choose between being good or save your family.
In fact, you had become more than friends. Almost right before the battle, you had become lovers. Whether it would last was unknown to you at the time.
You fought by your lover’s side during the battle. While you were not a Death Eater in any sense of the word, you knew you wanted to defend Draco Malfoy, who he himself barely fought. You could sense the internal struggle happening in him. He wasn’t sure if he should fight for Voldemort or for the place he called home. To be quite frank, he didn’t have a choice. He simply chose to just avoid fighting if possible.
After it was announced that Harry Potter had defeated the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters had been disbanded due to many of them being dead, the only thing you worried about was the fate of him. What would become of him, of his family? While you agreed that Lucius Malfoy should pay what he put his family through, you didn’t want Draco to be punished right along with his father.
In an act of desperation, you pulled Draco to the side and were practically on your knees as you begged him to come with you. You weren’t even sure where you would go, you didn’t know what was next. What you did know was that every minute he stayed inside the castle, he was in danger.
Next thing you knew, despite not having any actual concrete plans, you had run off with Draco. You found yourself pulling a Harry Potter and the Golden Trio moment, as it was after all the best and only sort of plan you had. While you weren’t sure exactly where you two were headed, you had to make the best of it along the way.
When the sun set each day, you had to make camp wherever you were. While that was mostly in the woods, there has been the occasional time you had to stop steps away from a busy city area. You made a tent wherever you were, with Draco casting several protection charms to ensure you weren’t being followed or could even be seen.
It could have been weeks or years, you weren’t exactly sure, but now it seemed as if the two of you had adjusted well to this way of life. The fact that he not only adjusted to essentially being homeless and living out of a tent, but was actually enthusiastic about it, surprised you. After all, you were aware of the certain reputation the Malfoy family had among the wizarding community. Draco had come from one of the richest, if not the richest, family in the community. He never failed to surprise you.
In fact, he had surprised you so much that it seemed he had planned another. How he managed to surprise you time and time again, despite living out of a tent, honestly was a mystery. He woke up on a cold, foggy morning with whispers that he had a surprise and it was time to get out of bed.
With a groan, you opened your eyes, slowly sitting up in the sleeping bag that was now your bed for the time being. “Draco, what-”
“Don’t ask questions, (Y/N).” Although your eyes were barely open, you could hear the smirk spread across his face as he spoke. “It’s urgent.”
With that, you practically jumped out of the sleeping bad and wrapped a coat around you, not even having the time to properly clean yourself and get dressed. Once out of the tent, with a swish of your wand, the tent folded and went inside the small purse you always carried.
You followed Draco deeper into the dark woods, the fog making it nearly impossible to see not even a few feet in front of you. All you could do was hold his hand and trust he knew exactly where he was going. You attempted to ask questions, such as where you were going or why they had to go in such early hours of the morning. With each question, your lover only hushed you and told you to be patient.
After what seemed like hours, you could see the outline of a building ahead in front of you. You couldn’t tell much from the distance and the fog, but it looked like a two story building. As you walked closer, the building came into full view. With a quite dark exterior, it was a house made of gray stone complemented by a black roof and what seemed like moss growing on nearly every inch of the house.
It had finally clicked in your head. Draco had brought you here for a reason, clearly. One thing you knew about your boyfriend was that he hated to waste his time.
As if he knew the question that was about to escape your lips, a soft smile appeared on his as he spoke aloud. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but this is our home. I found it while looking for food for us one night. Before you ask, yes, I did place a protection charm around the place. No one should find us. It’s far away from everyone, regardless.”
Tears filled your eyes almost immediately once he announced you two finally had a home. Not that you mind living in a tent, you would live anywhere as long as it meant Draco was safe, but your heart secretly desired a place to safely call home.
With your feet running towards him, you hugged him tightly, whispering countless amounts of thank yous into his ear. His hands rested on your back, chucking to himself at your reaction. He wouldn’t admit it, but this made him emotional as well. He finally had something that wasn’t automatically given to him because of his surname or wealth, he earned it.
Weeks seemed to have passed, but now that abandoned house had turned into home. You and Draco had spent practically every waking hour renovating. While you could have easily used magic to finish the job effortlessly, the both of you had admitted you had joy in putting hard work into your home.
After a quick clean up of the place, you had started by painting the walls and re-doing the floors of every room. Before you knew it, every room had been properly decorated and the entire home was now ready to live in comfortably. The completed home was two floors, complete with a finished basement that was used as a “wizarding museum,” the two of you liked to call it. It was full of all the memoria you both had managed to collect and keep safe of your years at Hogwarts, such as house pride items or photos. Along with a kitchen, living room, dining area, and bedroom, there was a nursery and a large room fit for children upstairs. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought this house was occupied by a Muggle family.
But, that was just the way the both of you liked it.
Years had now passed since, and the house still stood after decades. The house, the entire property as well, had witnessed so many happy moments. It had witnessed the wedding between you two, the many moments of laughter and love the two of you shared.
While living in a “smaller” home was a change for Draco Malfoy, he couldn’t have imagined living in any other home.
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linked-heroes · 4 years ago
Wait who was the first one you made then? And can I hear about your Skyward Sword one? Sky was my first Link crush growing up so I’m curious how they are like. :)
For Skyward mine is basically turned into the Cafe Au (Y/N) when I redrew her.
My first one for botw. It was the first loz game I can remember playing clearly as an adult with my fully developed mind and all that lol (like I recall playing links awakening at the least as a very small child on the nes (or was it the super nes?) but that’s as a kid and so it’s foggy and jumbled.
Nia is the first OC for loz tho. She’s evolved a lot as I fell in love with Link. And then met Sidon and developed other vague Ocs and then went, “screw it” and made Nia/Link/Sidon as a trio. (Cause canon wise I ship sidlink and revalink)
@clearwillow has actually made amazing art of Nia a few years ago that I absolutely love. She’ll have to make new art soon tho because I’ve been reworking some things for Nia, especially with learning and realizing some things for loz. She’s the most fleshed out character tho. Even with changes (which not too big aside from a little how she looks and how a few background thing would be altered) that have come about. She’s still a type of isekai oc tho.
I got ss game when it dropped this year but thanks to executive dysfunction I haven’t been able to make myself play it yet (I’m also trying to 100% complete my botw game so…)
So I’ve never played ss but I know a decent amount of things for it? (Kind of).
The OC for sky started as an isekai that was pulled into wilds empty body in the shrine. So they took his place. And they couldn’t remember their name and a few details from before so they called Eris. After the god/dess of Chaos. And let me tell you, they’re chaotic af.
Over time ideas changed and I found lu and eldritch link ideas and other stuff and fell in love with thins. Eris changed to something else, isekai but reborn into a normal family, wilds companion and partner. And a few other ideas that changed about. Eris identifies with the Rito the most tho and adopts their culture and everything. (Not sure if I’ll have this still but first draft Eris as an Air Force pilot and loved flying and high places) so when I started more into lu and falling for all the boys, Eris and sky seemed to be a good match. They started as a BROTP tho, just two bestie peas in a pod loving to fly and nap and other things.
I sadly haven’t done much for Eris since the changes so I don’t have to much for them yet (they’re gender neutral but more she/her and feminine leaning) I’ve been trying to do one OC at a time so all have some basic details but only a few more figured out.
But, uh. Yeah. I’m working on them! I can do more details for each specifically tho?
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wingsofkpop · 5 years ago
Hiraeth — I.II: Curosity Killed the Cat
pairing(s):  Hybrid!Im Jaebeom x Reader, Witch!Mark Tuan x Reader, Werewolf!Jackson Wang x Reader, Vampire!Park Jinyoung x Reader, Supernatural!Got7 x Reader
genre:  Supernatual!AU, Dark Magic!AU, Angst, slight Fluff, eventual Smut
warning(s): Mature language, descriptions of death and murder, mentions of blood, mentions of traumatic experiences, mention of reader having an anxiety attack, etc.
word count: 6,6k
synopsis: How far are you willing to go to find out the truth about Moon Dye Bay?…
chapter directory
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“Jihyo, please just—OW!” Pain shoots like electricity through your limbs as your hip catches the railing of the stairwell while your ankle rolls dangerously along the edge of the top step. You cling to your roommate’s shoulders, trying to find balance in the midst of her steel-like grip to avoid inevitably breaking a bone… or your entire body.  
“Shit. Sorry, (Y/N).” Jihyo murmurs apologetically, hoisting your arm higher around her shoulders. You bite back a frustrated retort and instead, find the patience to allow your support to haul you toward your shared apartment’s door. There’s honestly no need for Jihyo’s help in scaling the stairways, seeing as somehow, after the incident in the alleyway, you were completely unscathed, but she insisted. And when Jihyo puts her mind to something, there’s no pulling her out. 
Jihyo kicks open the door after unlocking it, and tugs you forward with a proud grin, “Home sweet home. All in one piece.” 
“The bruise on my hips says otherwise,” You groan, breathing a sigh of relief when you finally escape her hold. “I think I’m more hurt than I was in the actual hospital.” 
“Hush, child.” Jihyo drags the warm jacket from your shoulders before bending down to undo the laces of your boots. You sigh, but make no complaint about her fussing—you’d only receive another long lecture anyway. After another minute or two, Jihyo finishes sliding off your boots and guides you into the living room. Your eyes meet the sight of Sana nestled inside the giant, olive beanbag cushion, and two unfamiliar girls settled on the sofa beside her. 
“Look who’s home!” Jihyo calls cheerfully, turning the three sets of eyes away from the Pretty Little Liars rerun playing on the TV screen and in your direction. In the blink of an eye, Sana leaps from her seat and throws herself against your body. You almost lose your balance from the force of impact, but manage to return her hug without fault. 
“I was so worried when Mark called us,” Sana’s arms tighten around your waist. “Don’t scare me like that again, okay?” 
“I’ll try,” You rub her back, “I’m okay, Sana.” 
“You should sit down, (Y/N).” You pull from your friend’s embrace to nod at Jihyo, accepting the spot on the sofa where one of the girls had given up for your benefit. You shoot her a grateful smile, receiving a shy one in return. 
“Oh, that’s right! (Y/N), Jihyo, this is Mina, and Momo—” Sana points to each girl with their respected names, “the friends from my high school in Japan I was telling you guys about. They’re visiting for a few weeks.” 
“Welcome to Moon Dye,” Jihyo nods politely. “Sorry about all this chaos right off the bat. (Y/N), here, managed to land herself in the hospital last night.”
“It’s a long story.” You chuckle, your cheeks growing hot at both Mina and Momo’s concerned stares. “But I’m perfectly fine. Good as new.” 
“What even happened, (Y/N)?” Sana asks curiously while lowering onto the arm of the couch beside you. You open your mouth to answer, but Jihyo’s voice emerges instead: 
“(Y/N)’s already had a rough enough night as it is. Let’s not put her on the spot.” Again, you try to protest your good health, but the girls had already moved to a new subject by the time you open your mouth. 
To be honest, you still don’t believe the story that you fell in that dark alley, hit your head and knocked yourself out—the one that everyone is shoving down your throat. Even Mark didn’t believe you when you tried to explain the details you remember from last night. His words were similar to the very ones that Jinyoung had said: ‘You hit your head, (Y/N). Your memory is probably all sorts of fucked up.’ 
But he’s wrong. Jinyoung is wrong. Everyone else is wrong. You know you were attacked, and maybe you don’t know what it was, but someone—something tried to kill you. And it was pretty damn close… but that just begs another question: How the hell did you survive and come out with not even a scratch? 
“—was just so sudden. I just couldn’t believe it when I heard the news.” You return to reality just in time to see Jihyo shake her head, a pained expression written across her round face. “I mean, how does something like that just happen? You know?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
Four pairs of eyes turn at your voice as Sana answers, “Im Nayeon was found dead in Eclipse Cemetery. My mom said she was killed by an animal.” You heard Mark mention Nayeon’s name a few times in past conversations, but had never spoken to the woman herself. She works in a tiny shop in Poison Square, Moon Dye Bay’s most infamous shopping complex, reading tarot cards and giving fortunes—she worked there, that is. Still, Mark and Nayeon were friends, so he must have known. Is that why he broke down at the hospital? But why wouldn’t he tell you? 
Your eyebrows furrow, “An animal? How is that possible?” 
“What goes around, comes around.” You perk up as one of Sana’s friends, Momo, you believe, speaks up for the first time. She returns your glance with a blank stare, which sends a violent chill up your spine, “It happens to the best of us.” 
“How can you say that?” You scoff, “A girl is dead—” 
“I’m so sorry,” The other friend, the one who relinquished her seat, Mina steps in this time, “My sister can be a little intense sometimes. She didn’t mean it in a condescending way.” 
“You’re sisters?” 
Mina shrugs, “Fostered, actually. We’ve kind of just… stuck together.” 
You nod, “I get it. I was a foster kid too.” Mina nods too, but doesn’t say anything in response. As she’s turning back to the surrounding trio, your eyes catch sight of a shiny, gold necklace tucked into the collar of her shirt. You can’t see the charm on the end, but just by the chain, it looked ancient. Probably a family heirloom of some sorts. 
Your mind returns back to Nayeon before wandering to your own attacker. At the connection, your blood runs cold. Is it possible that whatever monster that attempted to take your life had succeeded in ensnaring Nayeon’s instead? It may explain the reluctance toward your true story, and the attacker’s animal-like behavior… but what of your miraculous recovery? And what does Jinyoung have to do with any of this? 
Something is going on in Moon Dye Bye… and you’re going to find out what. 
“By the way, Momo, I love your tattoo.” You barely catch Jihyo’s comment as you rise from the sofa and begin to make your way toward your bedroom. You hadn’t gotten much sleep at the hospital, partly because of Mark, and partly because you just couldn’t find the will to close your eyes. To be honest, you don’t even know if you’ll be able to catch sleep in your own bed any better. Too lost in your own exhaustion, you don’t catch Sana’s laugh just as you’re shutting your bedroom door: 
“Momo doesn’t have a tattoo, Ji! Are you sure you’re not the one who hit her head!?” 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
The fogginess of his dreamworld fades as Mark gradually begins to awaken from his slumber. He parts his eyelids, only to immediately shut them with an annoyed hiss as a ray of sunlight stabs into his sensitive pupils. To escape the day’s wrath, he rolls to his opposite side and away from the lone window, reminding himself to invest in a set of curtains in the near future. 
Mark forces his upper body upward on the sofa. He groans, the movement placing a strain on his back, and lifts his arms over his head to alleviate the knots of his muscles. With a sigh, Mark wipes the remnants of a poor night’s sleep from his face before glancing back to the window. Judging by the brightness of the sun, he must have slept through the entire morning and early afternoon. 
Mark sighs again, recalling the gruesome nightmares that plagued his slumber: Nayeon’s loud screams stabbing into his soul as an unfamiliar shadow drove a large knife into her immobile body over and over again until he could feel her blood splattering all across his skin. Then, in the midst of his terror, Nayeon’s face would shift to yours… and he could do nothing but watch as the monster stole the life from your eyes… 
He pushes the thought away, suddenly nauseous, and rises from the sofa, heading toward the small kitchenette in the corner to start up a pot of coffee. As he passes the window, Mark notices a couple figures congregating around an array of chipped, ancient headstones. At first, Mark believes them to be the forensic cleaners finishing up the removal of the crime scene, but he catches the sight of the back of Youngjae’s head… and someone he definitely does not want to see. 
“God fucking damnit—” He curses to himself, abandoning his coffee and stomping outside with the beginnings of a sneer pulling across his face. At the call of his name, both Youngjae and his companion turn to face Mark just as he reaches their meeting place, “What the hell is he doing here!?” 
“I’m sorry, hyung… I thought it’d be better if I didn’t tell you about this…” Mark glares at the younger who seems to shudder beneath its intensity. Youngjae looks down guiltily, before silently mumbling something to himself. 
“Don’t be upset with him,” At the voice, Mark shifts his angry gaze to the vampire. “I came on my own accord. I want to make a proposition.” 
“You’ve got to be kidding, right? Why would we ever want to make a deal with you?” 
“Because I can help you find out who killed your seer.” Jinyoung replies coolly, reaching inside the pocket of his casual, navy blazer to pull out a pocket-sized, leather-bound book with cream colored pages. He offers it to Mark, “This is an old journal that belonged to a powerful witch who was a descendant in a long line of Pagan Witchcraft. It contains thousands of ancient scriptures and symbols dating back to the first century.” 
Mark snatches the book and immediately begins to flip through it. None of the text encrypted along the pages are anything he’d ever seen before, likely being written in a different language. He allows the cover to shut and passes it to Youngjae before narrowing his eyes at Jinyoung, “How did you know we were looking for an old symbol?”  
“I have contacts at the morgue, so I paid her body a visit myself.” Mark bites back a frustrated slur and wills himself to let the vampire finish, “In all the centuries I’ve been alive, I have only seen a symbol like that once—in dark magic.” The loathing Mark feels for Jinyoung completely vanishes at the mention of the dark arts, shifting back into the nausea from before. “I believe whoever killed your seer drew power from something, be it a spell or an object, in order to gain enough strength to overpower her, which means—” 
“Whatever doing this is supernatural.” Youngjae finishes with a grimace, “They must have used dark magic to strip her of her powers before she was killed. I couldn’t trace any magic use from her body.” 
“She’s not the first.” Again, Jinyoung retracts a set of papers from his jacket and hands them to Mark, “I’ve traced hundreds of unexplained deaths in dozens of towns. Each witch had that same symbol carved into their chest.” 
“They’re specifically targeting covens— ” Mark breathes, glancing over the provided documents, “Slaughtering them and… fucking hell.” 
Jinyoung nods, “You and your people need to be careful. Whoever is doing this will try to kill again.” Mark hesitates for a moment before mindlessly closing his hand into a fist, crushing the papers in his grasp. He resumes his glare at the vampire. 
“What’s in it for you? Why are you helping us?” 
Jinyoung’s eyes soften, “This town has already seen enough death. I don’t wish for it to see anymore.” 
Jinyoung’s response delivers a harsh punch to Mark’s gut, leaving him almost breathless. Unwanted memories rush into his head like a parasite—the guilt he had pushed down so long ago beginning to eat away at his soul. Too lost inside his own head, Mark remains silent as Jinyoung and Youngjae exchange a couple final words, before the former gestures toward the book in the younger’s hands.
“I have places to be, but let me know if you manage to find the symbol. I’ll see if I can find more information about the murdered covens.” The vampire offers a nod of farewell and turns to leave, but surprising himself, Mark snaps from his headspace and calls out:
Jinyoung halts to peer over his shoulder, “Yes?” Mark hesitates again, somewhere in between what seems to be long-harbored resentment and mental exhaustion. His eyes glance toward the gravel pathway meters away where Nayeon’s corpse had laid only hours ago, until his mind shifts to thoughts about you: The warmth of your arms… The genuine promise of your voice… The gleam of your eyes… All of his anger immediately dissipates. 
He nods, “I don’t want anyone else to die either.” Jinyoung merely blinks in response before continuing his journey toward the exit of the cemetery. Mark watches his silhouette fade into the glare of the afternoon sun with the documents still tightly grasped in his palms. Only once the vampire is out of sight does he release a sigh and face his younger companion: 
“Call Minho, Jisung and Lia, and get them all here.” Mark combs a hand through his hair with a huff, “No one leaves my sight until we catch this fucker and put them so far underground, they won’t be able to climb back up from Hell.” 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
Splashes of water splatter across your ankles and wet the bottom of your jeans as you sprint through a massive array of puddles. Although it does little to protect your body from the pouring rain, you tug your jacket tighter around your shoulders. The one evening you choose to take a spur-of-the-moment book run to escape your overdramatic and overbearing roommates, it has to be raining cats and dogs. Luckily, the town’s only bookstore is not too far from your apartment. 
You manage to reach the shop just as the wind begins to pick up and hurriedly push past the door. A sigh falls past your lips, briefly pausing to relish the warm, rain-free atmosphere before receding further into the store. Ever since you moved to Moon Dye, the Bookshop of Lullabies has become one of few places you frequent often. It’s a quaint, little place stuffed from top to bottom with texts of all kinds, and barely enough space for a single person to squeeze through the aisles. If you travel deep enough through the maze of shelves, there’s a tiny nook complete with a window seat and throw cushions softer than a bed of silk—you like to spend a lot of your time cuddled up there with a nice book.  
“Look who finally decided to show up and cure my boredom. Good thing—I was just thinking about chewing my arm off.” Unsurprised, you turn to find a familiar face behind the cashier counter. One that, like the store itself, you have seen quite often. 
You first met Bambam through Mark—the two were friends in high school—at a dinner event his mother, the mayor of Moon Dye, held for his birthday. Aside from the occasional rich kid personality quirks, you’ve found Bambam to be quite a humble and reliable person, especially in providing you discounted books and helpful tips for living in town. 
“Hello to you too, Bam.” You smile. “How are things?” 
Bambam shrugs, “Slow day, and the rain really doesn’t help. Anyway, what are you looking for today? Maybe an edgy dystopian with way too much backstory? Or a sickeningly sweet love story where the simp dies? ” 
“I'll honestly take anything you deem acceptable at this point.” 
“You’re giving me way too much trust there, babygirl.” He chuckles, pilfering through a nearby box of books in order to gratify your request. “Mark told me you had a pretty rough spill last night. You okay?” 
“To be completely honest—not really.” You traipse over to the counter and lay your bag across its surface. Bambam moves aside some books to make room before offering a nearby stool for you to sit, “I just, I’m still confused on what happened.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Everybody says I fell and hit my head, but I don’t think that’s what happened—no—” You shake your head, “I know that’s not what happened, but it’s like everyone is just, I don’t know… hiding something.” Through the corner of your eye, you notice how Bambam’s shoulders tense at your comment, but brush it off as an odd tick. “But I guess what I don’t understand is why they’d want to… I mean, Mark would never keep something that important from me…” Once again, the clerk’s body fidgets uncomfortably—this time, furthering the suspicion brewing in your gut.
Your eyes narrow, “Bam… Do you know something that I don’t?” 
He seems to hesitate, running a hand through his tousled ivory-dyed tresses before peering toward the door, as if expecting someone else to enter. You open your mouth to pry, but Bambam’s answer beats you to it, “There’s a lot of things I know that you don’t…” 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean—?” 
“It means that this town has secrets…” The abrupt change in his tone increases the uneasiness in your stomach, temporarily changing your frustrated mood to one of fear. A violent shiver crawls down your spine at his next words, “...secrets that can get you killed.”
“What secrets?” Your annoyance returns at his ambiguous response, “What does this have to do with what happened to me last night?” 
“Well, you were attacked, weren’t you?” 
Your blood turns cold. “How the fuck do you know that?” 
“I told you, I know a lot of things.” He releases a sigh before bending down to disappear behind the wood of the counter. He returns only seconds later with a seemingly old, leather-bound book clutched in both hands. You watch, wide-eyed like a fish, as he slides the object toward you. 
“This journal belonged to my great-, great-, great-grandmother, the first ever mayor of Moon Dye Bay.” Bambam begins, watching closely as you cautiously grab the text as if it would turn to dust in your grasp. “It contains private information about the town you won’t find anywhere else.” 
“And you’re just giving it to me?” 
“I’m pointing you in the right direction.” He states matter-of-factly, “If you live in this town, you should know what you’re up against.” 
“Why can’t you just tell me?” 
“Because if anyone were to find out, it would be dangerous for the both of us.” 
“But why—?”
“Please just trust me on this, (Y/N).”  You can do nothing but stare at Bambam, your thoughts too much of a jumbled, chaotic mess to come up with another reply. You want to insist—you want to insist over and over again until the clerk eventually spills—but you know it’s hopeless. There are few moments where Bambam is ever this serious, so whatever mess you managed to get yourself into—it’s crucial. 
You finally nod after another eon of silence and tuck the old journal inside your bag, “How much?”
“Consider it a six-month late welcome-to-town gift.” Bambam’s poor attempt at humor does little to lift your spirits, but you still scrounge up a weak smile and an even weaker thank you. As you make your way toward the exit, you can feel his eyes burning into the back of your head, and for once in a lifetime, you can’t wait to head out into the pouring rain. Just as you’re pushing through the door, Bambam calls out: 
“Hey, babygirl?”  
You turn with a sigh, “What is it, Bam?” 
“Just be careful, okay?” He murmurs heavily, “Those monsters that used to hide under our beds when we were kids, well… They grew up too.” You don’t bother to answer, send the clerk a parting nod and take off into the blurriness outside the bookstore. Your lungs welcome the damp air, attempting to soothe the racing of your heart with each breath. Even though you’re all wrapped up in your coat, your hands still tremble.
If what Bambam said is true, and this town is hiding something, and you eventually do find out what that something is, then how badly will it change your life? You moved to Moon Dye Bay to escape the traumas of your past… not to create new demons that will haunt your mind day and night. It’s been so long since you’ve felt what it feels like to belong somewhere, but then… Do you really want a place full of darkness, secrets and lies as a home? 
You quickly dash across the street, barely avoiding an approaching car driving way over the given speed limit. The rain only makes the atmosphere more ominous, both obscuring your vision and deafening your ears. Images from last night pop into your head which fuels the hurriedness of your pace. You can’t seem to control your breathing, or the anxiety swallowing your form. 
What if that monster was following you as you think? Is he aching to finish the job he failed to last night, and take your life as his prize? What if there’s no miracle there to save you this time? What if you die in a wet, dark alleyway where nothing but the rats can—?  
“(Y/N)? Are you alright?” You hadn’t realized somewhere in your rush you’d paused to rest against the building, awakening from your panicked trance at the warm voice that invades your ears like honey. You quickly compose yourself, shove your now vibrating hands in the pocket of your coat, and turn to face the familiar face with a confused expression. 
“Jinyoung? Are you following me?” 
“Where would you get an idea like that?” Jinyoung hurriedly pulls you underneath the awning of a shop and out of the rain. “I just left the police station and saw you out here by yourself. You seem… stressed.” 
“Aside from wet socks, I’m alright.” You shake your head, “Why were you at the police station?” 
“I had some business to take care of,” He answers, obviously not desiring to provide any more details to satiate your curiosity. “Anyway, what brings you out in this weather?” 
“Honestly, I just needed to escape from my crazy, overbearing roommates.” You shake the rain from your hair with a chuckle, “Just left the bookstore actually.” 
“I didn’t take you for the bookworm type.” 
“What? Just because I don’t exude the ‘shy, silent, glasses-wearing’ stereotype?” 
Jinyoung chuckles at your comeback, the sound gritty and amused, before placing a hand over his chest, “My apologies. I didn’t mean to offend you.” 
“Well, choose your words more carefully then.” 
He nods with a smile, “I’ll definitely do that.” The raindrops pelting against the top of the awning creates a comfortable rhythm as you and Jinyoung fall into a heavy silence. Jinyoung continues to wear his tight, close-lipped smile while you continue to stare, not knowing whether to comment on his odd talent in appearing out of nowhere or reminisce in the storminess of his brown irises. You choose neither, and opt to end the conversation where it is: 
“It was really nice to see you again, but I should get back before the weather turns into a full-blown hurricane.” 
“That would probably be best,” Jinyoung steps aside, allowing you the room to pass by, and hums, “It’s always a pleasure, (Y/N).” You shoot him a grateful smile before launching back into the raging of the storm, immediately missing his uniquely charming aura and caramel-like gaze. Just from the interaction with Jinyoung, both your mind and body feel much more relaxed and in a way… almost safe. 
Too deep in your own thoughts, you fail to catch the second shadow that slinks out of a nearby alleyway and behind Jinyoung’s broad body.
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
“Have you lost your goddamn mind!?” Mark pinches the bridge of his nose at the high-pitched wail of the fuming, dark-haired witch, suddenly craving a drink to take the edge off of his nerves. Maybe they have some leftover grey goose in the cupboard— “You must have, cause you just made a deal with the fucking devil!” 
“Can you at least try not to yell?” From the center of a nearby ring of burning candles and sage on the floor, Lia sighs in annoyance, “I’m pretty sure the entire town can hear you at this point.” 
“Shut up!” Minho hisses at the female, before replacing his laser-like glare back on Mark. “I mean, you do understand how utterly stupid this entire thing is, right!? Things suddenly turn to shit and you run to those bloodsucking bastards for help!?” 
“He gave us a book, Minho. It’s not like I signed our souls away.” 
He scoffs, “You might as well have! Didn’t it ever occur to you that the Primes just want an opportunity to pick us off like flies? I mean, how do we know they weren’t the ones that killed Nayeon?”
“Youngjae’s tracking spell would have picked up their trail.” Mark sluggishly walks toward the stove, retrieving the whistling kettle before its volume reaches that of a shrill scream. He sighs and generously refills his coffee cup, “And you know very well that if they wanted us dead, we would have been in the ground months ago.” 
“You’re not listening to me!” Mark takes a sip of the steaming stimulant, the liquid doing nothing to ease the pounding of his head as Minho continues to rant, “We are all going to end up dead! We should have run them out of town when we had the opportunity in the first place—” 
“Oh my fucking god! Can you shut your mouth for a goddamn second!?” Lia’s anger sends chaos throughout the mausoleum. Jisung barely avoids a barrage of books spilling from their shelves while Youngjae ducks in time for a potted plant to fly over his head and shatter against the wall. Lia storms across the room, a trail of hot flames following her steps, and pokes a single finger into Minho’s chest with a sneer, “Nayeon-unnie is dead, okay!? And there is a psycho out there right now with their eyes on another witch in this room!? Mark is doing the best he can so it’s not your moronic ass that’s next on the hit list!” 
Minho remains silent, visibly surprised by the younger witch’s outburst. For a moment, Mark notices a spark of guilt behind his eyes before they shift to their usual cold exterior. 
“I don’t want anyone else to die, okay? But making a truce with one of the oldest vampires in existence is not a good plan—” 
“Well, it’s the only plan we have right now.” Mark sighs, “I do what’s best for my people—to keep you safe.” 
Minho stares coldly at Mark, “Yeah, just like you kept Jackson safe. Right?” 
Stunned by the witch’s sudden question, Mark is both physically and mentally unable to respond. He simply stares back at Minho with his jaw practically dropped to the floor. Minho shamelessly meets his eyes, as if finding joy out of Mark’s shock. 
“Hey, guys…” The brief moment of tension breaks at Youngjae’s call, who all this time, had been stationed behind the lectern flipping through the journal Jinyoung had gifted only hours ago. Mark feels the many cups of coffee sitting in his stomach churn at the absolute terror spread along Youngjae’s face. Though at his next words, Mark almost believes his entire insides turn inside-out,  “I found the symbol that was on Nayeon’s body…
“It means ‘Hunter’.” 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
Jinyoung watches your silhouette recede into the blur of the rain with a smile. His mind reels back to your conversation, and how prettily your eyes shimmered in the mist. If it were any other person, Jinyoung wouldn’t care much for the spitfire-type of attitude, but with you… He actually enjoys your ferocious nature. It showcases your livelihood—and mortal strength. 
Jinyoung had planned to keep his word to Mark and steer clear, but he couldn’t help himself. Not when he spotted you standing in the midst of the storm. Something inside him is drawn to you, almost like a moth to a flame. It excites him, but startles him all the same. Never before has Jinyoung felt such a magnetic pull to another person—certainly not a human woman. Though, the rational voice in the back of his head still believes some part of you is not all that mortal… 
A wave of chill dampens the cheeriness of his mood, pulling a sigh of annoyance from his lips. He doesn’t have to turn around to feel the stealthy presence behind him. With one last glance toward the direction in which you vanished, and another huff, Jinyoung tugs on the lapels of his blazer and speaks: 
“Following me again, hyung?” 
A deep-set chuckle carries into Jinyoung’s ears, “In all our centuries together, I’ve never quite succeeded in getting anything past you… huh, Jinyoungie?” Jinyoung turns to face his brother, immediately growing more annoyed at his usual, nonchalant stance complete with lazily crossed arms, tilted head and a devious smirk along his lips. “Though, if I knew any better, I’d believe you’re not exactly thrilled to see me?” 
“Well, do you know any better?” 
Jaebeom laughs, “You’re still upset with me. What else is new.” 
“Forgive me if I’m not jumping through the roof because of your erratic behavior.” Jinyoung shoots his brother a glare before shoving his right hand in the respected pocket of his jeans. “Nine bodies all drained of blood, hyung. Do you not understand the concept of remaining inconspicuous?” 
“What can I say? I was rather famished last night.” 
Jinyoung stares at Jaebeom with a blank expression, “Does human life mean that little to you? Truly?” 
Jaebeom releases a heavy sigh, pushes off the brick wall in which he was leaning against, and takes a couple steps forward until he and Jinyoung are only inches from sharing oxygen. He provides his younger brother another smirk and shrugs, “There was a time we used to share the same perspective, brother. And if I remember correctly, you were much, much worse than I am.” 
“That is in the past.” 
“Ah. Of course.” Jaebeom retracts a silver-coated lighter from the pocket of his black, shredded jeans. Jinyoung watches the older play with the tool, repeatedly striking the light over and over again as he continues, “So… Are you going to tell your dear brother about the lovely girl that’s caught your eye?” 
Jinyoung’s patience immediately gives out at your mention. His features pull into a sneer, glaring at the amusement spreading along Jaebeom’s face. 
“Leave it alone.” 
“You do like her then?” Jaebeom’s smirk widens to a grin, “Wow. I’d never thought I’d live to see the day Park Jinyoung falls for a human.” Jinyoung tries to keep his self-control intact as Jaebeom proceeds to laugh, lifting the flame of the lighter up to the level of his eyes—malice visibly flickering in the light of his irises. “She must be very, very special…” 
Jinyoung growls, “I said, leave it alone. I’m not playing your games now, hyung.” 
“I only want to know what sweet (Y/N) has done to gain my little brother’s attention. Maybe it’s her spunk? Or her beautiful face? Or just maybe, the delectable taste of her delicious blo—” In the blink of an eye, Jinyoung has Jaebeom pressed against the same wall he was leaning against only moments before with an arm at his throat. Jinyoung can actually see his own rage in the reflection of Jaebeom’s black eyes. 
“You will stay away from her.” Jinyoung murmurs dangerously, relishing proudly in Jaebeom’s stunned expression. “Do not push me on this. Or I will push back.” Jinyoung releases his hold on his brother, pausing to straighten out the wrinkles of his blazer. Jaebeom continues to stare at the younger with bewilderment, unable to say anything in response. 
An annoyed breath leaves Jinyoung’s lips as he peers down at his watch, “I’m late. We will discuss this when I return back to the manor.” He shoots Jaebeom a pointed glance, “Please refrain from getting yourself into any more trouble. If you even can.” Without as much as a goodbye, Jinyoung brushes past Jaebeom and into the rain that’s coming down even heavier. He tries not to think about the paranoia and fear budding in his gut and instead focus the soaked path ahead, but even his own mind betrays him. 
Jinyoung knows Jaebeom. He’s known him for almost a millennium. He knows that if he makes one wrong move, Jaebeom won’t hesitate to retaliate against him—retaliate by using you. Jinyoung shakes his head with a sigh, savoring the chill of the rain against his body. If it comes down to it, he won’t hesitate to to protect you from his brother in any way he has to… 
He should have kept his word, and stayed away. 
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
“You sure you don’t need anything else? Water? Another blanket? Some ramen?” You roll your eyes at your roommate’s barrage of questions, unable to help the soft smile that lifts to your lips. As smothering and irritating as Jihyo’s overprotectiveness can be, it’s nice to have someone looking out for your well being—even though she can be a helicopter mom sometimes. 
“It’s not like I’m paralyzed, Ji.” You reach forward to take her hand into your own, “I’m okay.” 
Jihyo squeezes your fingers, “I just… worry about you, you know? You’ve been through a lot.” Though she doesn’t specify, you know for a fact that she isn’t talking about the hospital visit. Your heart aches for as long you allow it to, before pushing the unwanted feelings away. You playfully nudge her shoulder with a chuckle. 
“You worry about everything. Now seriously, clear out.” Jihyo follows your lead to your bedroom door, staying still to allow you to check up on her hair and makeup. When you deem her appearance to be nothing less than perfect, you nod, “Sana won’t let either of us hear the end of it if at least one of us doesn’t go clubbing with her, Momo and Mina.” 
“What will you do, tonight?” 
“I have some stuff to finish for the university. Or I’ll just binge-watch some Sex and the City.” Jihyo accepts your answer, lifting her arms to bring your body into a short, tight hug. When she pulls away, you send her a wink, “Try not to get too trashed, alright? I really don’t want to be picking your drunk ass up at three in the morning.” 
“No promises,” She hums. “Thanks, (Y/N).” 
“Go have fun, gorgeous.” You give Jihyo a thumbs up as she steps from your bedroom. No sooner does Sana pounce on your roommate, and in a matter of seconds, drags her toward the exit with Mina and Momo not far behind. You wait through the girlish giggles and chatter until the slam of the front door carries from the front hallway—you’re finally alone. 
You quickly shut your door, making sure to turn the lock, and hop over to the tiny desk you somehow squeezed in the corner. When you moved in with Sana and Jihyo, they had to convert a storage closet into a bedroom since the apartment only came with one small master, now Sana’s space, and an even smaller office, where Jihyo resides. So your room is basically a shoebox with a single window and enough room for a bed, clothing chest, and a desk and bookshelf set. Even so, you’ve managed to spruce the place up with frilly rugs, decorative succulents and some cheap fairy lights, 
After yanking the curtains above your bed closed and double-checking the door, you retract the journal Bambam had given you from where you hid it earlier underneath your pillow. The leather is shockingly cool against your palm, almost searing into your flesh. Whether it’s the nerves or the excitement that’s making your pulse beat like a racehorse, you’re not so sure. But to be honest, it doesn’t matter to you… not as much as the truth that awaits. You settle back into your desk chair and open to the first page. 
There’s a name scrawled on the inside of the cover in a handwritten font you’ve only seen in historical documents and creative poetry projects. You recognize Bambam’s last name, Bhuwakul. The next page holds a diary entry in the same handwriting, dating back to 1770. Not desiring to wait any longer, you begin to read the entry: 
Day 1 — I have been traveling day and night for many months. My long journey has been filled with hardship, starvation and exhaustion. But my efforts have finally paid off. On a night when the moon was full and bright, I stumbled across a small village only miles from the edge of the sea. The townspeople welcomed me and my brother into their borders. Fed us. Clothed us. And even offered us a home to where we could reside as long as we wished. I believe we will stay here in Moon Dye Bay. For good. 
You flip through the rest of the pages, delving into the story of Bambam’s great-, great-, great-grandmother and her new life on the bay—how she bettered the town and its inhabitants, soon earning her title as the first ever mayor. You find yourself immersed in the personal account of her life, relating to her worries, wants, and wishes. Somewhere in the story, you completely forgot about Bambam’s warning… until you reach an entry that makes your skin crawl: 
Day 196 — There’s a murderer in town. We’ve lost eleven of our people. Three men. Seven women. And one child. I believe this person, no—this monster enjoys it. This monster enjoys draining the blood from their victims like rum, and tearing open their throats like a child opens a gift. This monster enjoys hearing them scream for mercy—watching the fear in their eyes blossom like flowers. But mostly, I believe this monster enjoys the hunt. I spoke to the Wang faction the other night, and some of the ladies said they felt as if they are being watched at night, when they are alone—as if the monster is lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right chance to kill. 
The passage reminds you heavily of what happened last night. Your attacker had done everything in which Bhuwakul described, even the part about tearing your throat open. You don’t bother to acknowledge the spinning of your head and instead, mindlessly flip through the journal. Your lack of attention no longer allows you to fully read the entries, only skim—until you reach another that catches your eye:   
Day 209 — It’s unlike anything I could ever imagine… This pain—this grief… My brother is dead and it’s because of those murderers… Because of those demons… We’ve all been blinded by their charms… but no more… I will expose them to the villagers for what they truly are… so no one else can be victimized by their deceit… 
You almost faint as you read the next sentence that follows: 
—Park Jinyoung and Im Jaebeom are vampires. And they’re coming to kill me next.
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amalgamau · 5 years ago
Chapter 3
When we last left off Bismuth reformed and the shards were placed in the fountain. Also there was less thank 200 of you holy crap! Thank you guys for being interested! Without any further wait! Welcome back to the Crystal Gems! >=)
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The bubbles rested gently on the water, drifting off into the pool for a moment before popping and sinking into the water. For what felt like an eternity, nothing happened as the shards began to sink to the bottom of the fountain. The silence was deafening, only the sound of the water's currents were audible as the Fountain poured. Beneath the water’s surface, Amethyst's remains piled together on the fountain floor. Ruby and Sapphire's shards were stirred together by the slow moving currents. The dust that was once Pearl became a foggy cloud in the water, mixed with muddy sand and sparkling shards.
As the last of everyone's hope faded, and tears fell, choking sobs beginning to break the silence, a sudden light hum, and a pink glow rose from the water. Everyone turned and looked, suddenly full of anticipation and excitement. The hum grew louder. As the moment dragged on, the pink light faded into a sickly pale green, becoming near blinding before fading away.
Every second felt like hours. The longer nothing happened, the more agonizing it was for the group. After what felt like forever, Steven steeled his courage and peered over the corner into the fountain hoping to see any good news.
Before Steven could get a good look, a hand burst from the water, startling Steven as he stumbled back, falling on his rear. He recognized Garnet's hand as it gripped the ground, breaking the tile as it dug in with a loud and lengthy CRAAACK. 
"Gaaarnet?" Steven asked in sudden concern as a second hand reached out through the water and dug into the flooring. Steven scooted back slightly in concern as he realized that both hands appeared to be right hands. Something was wrong. Another arm shot out of the water, this one split into two at the elbow as the two hands slammed into the floor beneath it, cracking it. Slowly the figure lifted its head from the water, its head aimed at Steven, beginning to slowly peel apart its eyelids one at a time to reveal its five eyes. It stared through Steven as he scrambled back in fear.
"G-garnet? What's wrong?" Steven stammered in fear as he got to his feet. Garnet opened their mouth to speak, but the only noise that could be heard was an echoed moan turned into a scream, the voices of Ruby and Sapphire wailing in tandem.
Garnet crawled out of the Fountain, maintaining eye contact with Steven and the group as they did. Once fully emerged, she looked down at their hands and then further at the shards that were once Ruby and Sapphire, permanently fused together. The two rings that had symbolized their union and their brightest moment were now embedded into the stone that held together all that was left of them. She gripped her head tightly with all four hands as tears began to leak from every eye. She then let out an inhuman wail. The sound of torment in their voice was obvious as Ruby and Sapphire screamed through Garnet's mouth. Steven got up and began to walk towards her, hand outstretched in concern when a figure erupted from the water, landing next to Garnet on all fours.
Pearl had emerged and looked up at the duo, half her face a smoothly polished sandstone-esque gem hybrid. The spot where her eye would have been was sunken in and covered by a shadow. The other eye appeared glassy and blank, as if there was no mind behind it. She opened her mouth, the half not covered by her new sandstone-like gem. From her mouth came an ear-piercing, staticky scream. 
The group flinched at the noise, clutching their ears as Pearl wailed in tandem with Garnet. Pearl crawled out of the Fountain, hunched over staring at the group with an empty and feral expression. When the screaming stopped, Steven moved his hands from his ears, holding out a hand to Pearl.
“Pearl... it’s me... it’s Steven.” He said softly. Pearl looked at him with a blank expression and charged at him. Steven flinched as Pearl jumped at him, when another figure burst from the water. Amethyst shot out, her body a long snake-like appendage that snatched Pearl from the air, wrapping around her. Amethyst's head faced Pearl's as she struggled against the grapple. Amethyst let out a high pitched screech that sounded off, as though reversed. She spun sideways, letting go of Pearl mid spin and launching her into the fountainhead. The statue crumbled as Pearl slammed against it with a loud crack. Piping snapped from inside the statue causing water to gush out from the mechanism in hissing sprays. 
Pearl screamed a loud, agonized scream full of static and noise. As Amethyst turned to Steven, Bismuth and Connie tried to calm Garnet down. Steven looked up to Amethyst's eyes, one much larger than the other that seemed to move with the head's momentum, the other trained on Steven. She leaned back, ready to slam into him. As Steven moved in towards Amethyst, she swung at him full-force. Steven put up his shield, blocking the attack, then dropped it and grabbed her in a hug.
"Amethyst! I'm here! It's ok! Please calm down!"
Amethyst froze, turning so her eyes met Steven’s, her one regular eye tearing up.
She spoke slowly, but Steven was unable to understand her.
“A-Amethyst... I... I can’t understand you... If you’re in there... please...” Amethyst pauses, then nods. “˙˙˙ǝɹǝɥ ɯ,I ʇnq ˙˙˙ʇɥƃᴉɐɹʇs ʞuᴉɥʇ ʇ,uɐɔ I puɐ sʇɹnɥ ƃuᴉɥʇʎɹǝʌƎ ˙˙˙ǝɹǝɥ ɯ,I-I” Steven sighed in relief and sadness.
“I have no idea what you’re saying... but at least you’re still there... I don’t know what to do! Everyone was shattered. I tried to help them!” He began to tear up as he looked at her.
“Something is wrong! I need to get through to them!”
Amethyst bent her body so she could put a hand on his shoulder
“˙noʎ uo ʇɹɐdɐ llɐɟ ʇ,uoʍ I ˙˙˙ǝɹǝɥ ɯ,I” She turned to the fountain, Pearl swinging wildly and crawling around the ruined fountain. Amethyst jumped up and charged at Pearl, wrapping her body around her again and holding her down.
“¡ʞo ǝq oʇ ƃuᴉoƃ ǝɹ,ǝM ¡ǝɯ oʇ uǝʇsᴉ˥ ¡uʍop ɯlɐƆ ¡lɹɐǝԀ”
Amethyst dragged Pearl to Steven, while Pearl struggled to get out of Amethyst’s hold. Steven reached out to Pearl, putting a hand on the gemstone half of her face while she struggles, grunting and growling with her static filled voice.
“Pearl! It’s Steven. I’m here, please... I love you! I’m here for you!”
As Pearl turned to Steven, her one eye began to tear up.
“S̷͎̓̃t̶̗̱̭̿́-̷̣̼͙͐Ṡ̴̩̆͗t̶͚̖̫̿̿e̸͓͔͔͒v̴̬̓͜ě̵̦̜͝n̸̜̥̼̉̆?̵̬͛̇ͅ” she asked, slowly going limp.
He sighed. “Yeah Pearl... It’s me... I tried to save you guys... I’m so sorry... I wasn’t fast enough.”
Pearl looked at herself in the water below as Amethyst lets go
“Ö̷͙̦̠́̒́-̵̛̗̯͙̽ó̸̹h̶̪͔̅̈́ ̴̟͈̔̂́s̴͚̿t̶̜̄a̸͕̽̌͘ȓ̸̫̰̖̅s̶̲̜̐̈.̷͕͎͛̕.̴̢͒͜.̵̨̠̐̓͘͜ ̷͔̄͝Ĩ̷̞̥.̶̲̋͗͝.̶̛̹̜̖͐͘.̶̦͍͛̓ ̷̳̣̫̃W̸͖̑e̴̢̤̔̒͊.̵̰̞͌͑̚.̶͕̰̬͂.̷̖͈́ ̴̬̔̃͛I̸̞̬̓͑ ̸̛̗̖c̵͙̐a̵̝̟͓͐̈́n̶̤̭͊'̵̺͌̄t̵͇͆̓.̸̟̲̄̄̃.̶̻͑̋.̷̠͔̋̉̅ͅ” she trailed off as Steven wipes tears from his eyes.
“P-Pearl.” he manages to choke out. “I’m so sorry...”
Pearl froze and looked at Steven, tears streaming from her one eye. She got down and put a hand on his cheek.
“S̴̢̑ṭ̸͑e̸̖͈͐ṽ̸͙̭́e̶͖̮͛͝n̷̻̮̒.̴̞͍̀.̶̥̬̈́.̵̘̟̋ ̵̝͒̿I̷̹̋̋'̶͕́m̵̻̈ ̶̤͑s̷͇̿o̴͋̎͜ ̸͓͍̾̿s̸̤̝͑̈́o̸͚̪̊̉ŗ̷̉r̸̬̍ỷ̶̰͌.̷̅͗͜.̴͖̚.̵̞̈́͑ ̴̗̟̀̓N̴̡͈̈o̵͚͊̀n̸̙̟͆̀ĕ̴͕͈͘ ̸̩̪̂̾o̸̮̯̍̋f̵̤͗ͅ ̶̘̆ͅṱ̶̐̍ĥ̸̬̟̈́ì̵͕s̸̺̀ ̵̟̇ï̶̲͝s̸̹̹̔ ̷̻̠̍y̴̻̰͐̇o̸͔̱̔u̸̮̼͊r̷̡͒̂ ̷̛̤̤́f̸̛̥ͅǎ̶̠͝ư̴̪͠l̴̛̠̅t̴͈̭͐̽.̵̨̑̔ ̶̨̥̃Y̴̹̬͐̈ǫ̵̙̌͘u̵̘̜͒ ̶̨͙͂ḋ̷̙͋͜i̸̟̳͗̆ḑ̷̬͆͋n̶̖̽͒'̶̰̅͘ţ̶͉̌̃ ̴̞͖͌̎d̵̹́o̴̢͛̅ ̴̛ͅt̴͍̅h̵̜͙̅i̵̘̳̎s̴̫̍̇.̸̙̙̊ ̴̛̙̯̆Ị̵͓̑́t̵̻͖̀̓'̵͔͋́s̴̪͇̈̅ ̷͕̀o̵̹͍̕ḵ̴̈.̵̻͂ ̵̉͜Ŵ̶̠͇̄ḛ̷̿̕ ̷̜͕͗̐d̸͉̟͘o̸̥̲̍ǹ̷̳͗'̸̮̰̈́͐ẗ̴͍̩́ ̴͓͐͜b̸̡̑͂l̶͔̭͐a̷̦͘m̷͇̐̏e̸̢͙̊ ̷̭̦̾y̶̪̒o̷̟͚͂ủ̴͎́.̴̟̥̓̾”
Tears streamed down Steven’s face as he put a hand to hers and then held it tightly.
“I... need to help Garnet too...” he said slowly. Amethyst and Pearl nodded and followed behind as he walked to Garnet. 
The trio walked over, with Connie and Bismuth standing next to Garnet, who was on their knees staring at their hands, crying in a mixture of fear and frustration. Steven walked around to her front as he reached out to her.
“Garnet... it’s Steven...”
Garnet flinched and turned away, once again crying out in the voices of Ruby and Sapphire.
“Go away! Steven please! We don’t want you to see me like this!”
Steven backed away for a moment before reaching for her shoulder.
“Garnet... I’m here for you.. I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop this... I didn’t mean for this to happen...” Garnet flinched and pulled away.
“They’re gone! Ruby and Sapphire... We... don’t exist anymore I... we... are all that’s left... I’m not a fusion anymore, I’m a MONSTER.”
Steven flinched, choking back tears and guilt.
“Garnet... no... You aren’t a monster... You’re made of love, remember?” Garnet turned to him, all five eyes streaming tears as they glared at him in frustration.
“THEY ARE DEAD AND GONE. I can’t be made of love if there is nobody left... I’m a shell of what I was...” 
She sobbed and buried her face in her hands.
Steven froze, looking down guiltily as he swallowed his emotion.
“I... couldn’t save them.. And I’m so... so... so sorry... But... you are still Garnet... and the things... the people... that you love... are still here... so there is still hope... right?” Steven’s encouraging speech trailed off into a search for his own reassurance.
Everyone was silent for a long time. Garnet didn’t move for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, she stood up, looking at everyone as she wiped her eyes. Steven swallowed before speaking up.
“We’ve... all been through so much... what happened... and what was taken from us... there are no words... but we’re still here. For better or for worse, we’re still alive. We’ll make the best of this, I’m sure... We’ve always found a way before... we can do it this time, too.”
Everyone looked to Steven, sad smiles shared by the group. The family embraced into a hug. 
Everyone stayed in the embrace for a few minutes, just comforting one another. When everyone finally pulled away, Steven took a deep breath before mumbling.
“So... about the diamonds...”
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